Page 176


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9 revisions
Marie Richards at Nov 18, 2022 03:32 PM

Page 176

tient la vie dedens le corps. Car lomme morroit plustost sans air que ne feroit le poisson sans eaue. auquel tous jours la vie est tantost finee quant il en est hors. Lair si nous maintient la vie par la moisteur qui naist de lui. Et par lespoissette qui est en lui soustient il les oyseaulx volans qui tant le debatent de leurs eilles et lesmeuvent tant alentour deulx que ilz sembatent de dens et fichent menans leur joie et leur deduit. Ainsi vont les oyseaulx par lair volans chantant et loant leur createur ainsi comme les poissons qui vont va gant par leaue. Si vous en povez en telle maniere ap perchevoir prenez une verge et la mouvez en lair Se vous la mouvez roidement elle ploiera tantost et la verge ne trouvoit lair espez elle ne ploieroit pas ains se tenroit tonte droitte ja si fort ne seroit mente. De tel air prendent leur habit es corps les mauvaiz espritz lesquelz a la foiz se mettent en samblanche daulcunes choses lors quilz se poevent apparoir en aulcun lieu pour decepvoir aulcune personne homme ou femme our pour le faire yssir de son sens dont il a aulcunes foiz la puissanche. Du quant par lart de nigroman

tient la vie dedens le corps. Car lomme morroit plustost
sans air que ne feroit le poisson sans eaue. auquel tous
jours la vie est tantost finee quant il en est hors. Lair
si nous maintient la vie par la moisteur qui naist de
lui. Et par lespoissette qui est en lui soustient il les
oyseaulx volans qui tant le debatent de leurs eilles et
lesmeuvent tant alentour deulx que ilz sembatent de
dens et fichent menans leur joie et leur deduit. Ainsi
vont les oyseaulx par lair volans chantant et loant
leur createur ainsi comme les poissons qui vont va
gant par leaue. Si vous en povez en telle maniere ap
perchevoir prenez une verge et la mouvez en lair Se
vous la mouvez roidement elle ploiera tantost et la
verge ne trouvoit lair espez elle ne ploieroit pas ains
se tenroit tonte droitte ja si fort ne seroit mente. De
tel air prendent leur habit es corps les mauvaiz espritz
lesquelz a la foiz se mettent en samblanche daulcunes
choses lors quilz se poevent apparoir en aulcun lieu
pour decepvoir aulcune personne homme ou femme
our pour le faire yssir de son sens dont il a aulcunes
foiz la puissanche. Du quant par lart de nigroman


are able to maintain life in our bodies. For a person dies without air just as the fish does without water, whose life ends when it is out of it. Air maintains our life by the moisture that it engenders. And by its thickness it supports the flying birds, which beat it with their wings, moving it all around them so that they play within it, showing their joy and their delight. And so the birds go about flying in the air, singing and praising their Creator just as the fish do as they swim in the sea. If you want to perceive how this happens, take a stick and move it around in the air. If you move it rapidly it will bend. If the stick did not encounter a thickness in the air it would not bend this way, but rather it would stay straight, however much it was moved around. Evil spirits take their forms from this air. From it they take on the semblance of certain things and thereby can appear in various places to deceive both men and women or make them go insane -- for they sometimes have the power to do this. By the art of necromancy

are able to maintain life in our bodies. For a person dies without air
just as the fish does without water, whose life ends
when it is out of it. Air maintains our life by the moisture
that it engenders. And by its thickness it supports
the flying birds, which beat it with their wings,
moving it all around them so that they play within it,
showing their joy and their delight. And so the birds
go about flying in the air, singing and praising their
Creator just as the fish do as they swim in the sea.
If you want to perceive how this happens, take a stick
and move it around in the air. If you move it rapidly
it will bend. If the stick did not encounter a thickness
in the air it would not bend this way, but rather it would
stay straight, however much it was moved around.
Evil spirits take their forms from this air. From it
they take on the semblance of certain things and thereby
can appear in various places to deceive both men
and women or make them go insane -- for they sometimes
have the power to do this. By the art of necromancy

Page 176

tient la vie dedens le corps. Car lomme morroit plustost sans air que ne feroit le poisson sans eaue. auquel tous jours la vie est tantost finee quant il en est hors. Lair si nous maintient la vie par la moisteur qui naist de lui. Et par lespoissette qui est en lui soustient il les oyseaulx volans qui tant le debatent de leurs eilles et lesmeuvent tant alentour deulx que ilz sembatent de dens et fichent menans leur joie et leur deduit. Ainsi vont les oyseaulx par lair volans chantant et loant leur createur ainsi comme les poissons qui vont va gant par leaue. Si vous en povez en telle maniere ap perchevoir prenez une verge et la mouvez en lair Se vous la mouvez roidement elle ploiera tantost et la verge ne trouvoit lair espez elle ne ploieroit pas ains se tenroit tonte droitte ja si fort ne seroit mente. De tel air prendent leur habit es corps les mauvaiz espritz lesquelz a la foiz se mettent en samblanche daulcunes choses lors quilz se poevent apparoir en aulcun lieu pour decepvoir aulcune personne homme ou femme our pour le faire yssir de son sens dont il a aulcunes foiz la puissanche. Du quant par lart de nigroman

tient la vie dedens le corps. Car lomme morroit plustost
sans air que ne feroit le poisson sans eaue. auquel tous
jours la vie est tantost finee quant il en est hors. Lair
si nous maintient la vie par la moisteur qui naist de
lui. Et par lespoissette qui est en lui soustient il les
oyseaulx volans qui tant le debatent de leurs eilles et
lesmeuvent tant alentour deulx que ilz sembatent de
dens et fichent menans leur joie et leur deduit. Ainsi
vont les oyseaulx par lair volans chantant et loant
leur createur ainsi comme les poissons qui vont va
gant par leaue. Si vous en povez en telle maniere ap
perchevoir prenez une verge et la mouvez en lair Se
vous la mouvez roidement elle ploiera tantost et la
verge ne trouvoit lair espez elle ne ploieroit pas ains
se tenroit tonte droitte ja si fort ne seroit mente. De
tel air prendent leur habit es corps les mauvaiz espritz
lesquelz a la foiz se mettent en samblanche daulcunes
choses lors quilz se poevent apparoir en aulcun lieu
pour decepvoir aulcune personne homme ou femme
our pour le faire yssir de son sens dont il a aulcunes
foiz la puissanche. Du quant par lart de nigroman


are able to maintain life in our bodies. For man dies without air just as the fish does without water, whose life is over when it is out of it. Air maintains our life by the moisture that it engenders. And by its thickness it supports the flying birds, which beat it with their wings, moving it all around them so that they play within it, showing their joy and their delight. And so the birds go about flying in the air, singing and praising their creator just as the fish do as they swim in the sea. If you want to perceive how this happens, take a stick and move it around in the air. If you move it rapidly it will bend. If the stick did not encounter a thickness in the air it would not bend this way, but rather would stay straight, however much it was moved around. Evil spirits take their forms from this air, from which they take on the semblance of certain things and thereby they can appear in various places to deceive both men and women or make them go insane, for they sometimes have the power to do this. By the art of necromancy

are able to maintain life in our bodies. For man dies without air
just as the fish does without water, whose life is over
when it is out of it. Air maintains our life by the moisture
that it engenders. And by its thickness it supports
the flying birds, which beat it with their wings,
moving it all around them so that they play within it,
showing their joy and their delight. And so the birds
go about flying in the air, singing and praising their
creator just as the fish do as they swim in the sea.
If you want to perceive how this happens, take a stick
and move it around in the air. If you move it rapidly
it will bend. If the stick did not encounter a thickness
in the air it would not bend this way, but rather would
stay straight, however much it was moved around.
Evil spirits take their forms from this air, from which
they take on the semblance of certain things and thereby
they can appear in various places to deceive both men
and women or make them go insane, for they sometimes
have the power to do this. By the art of necromancy