Page 265


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10 revisions
Marie Richards at Jan 21, 2023 08:38 PM

Page 265

alentour est ung aultre ciel de couleur de pourpre sicom me les deuins (see note) le dient. et est appelle le ciel empire. Ce lui ciel est garny et plain de toutes beaultez plus que nulz des aultres que avons nommez. Et est illec lair sept foiz plus bel et plus cler que nest le soleil. De cest ciel empire trebucherent en enfer les mauvaiz angeles par leur orguel lesquelz furent desgarniz de toute gloire et de tous biens et sont illec les beneurez angeles de nostre seigneur . Chi parle du celestiel PARADIS. SE entendre volez quest de paradis pour apren dre che qui est dessus sans pechie le povez fai re. Car che lieu est tres digne et beneure en toutes choses pour quoy il ny poeut naistre ne sourdre si non tous biens et doulceurs selon raison et droiture Cest le propre lieu de la sainte trinite ou quel dieu le pere siet en sa tres digne maieste. mais la falent les entendemens del homme. Car il na celui tant soit bon clerc qui en peust penser ne estimer la disme. Et se nostre seigneur dieu pourprend nul lieu quel quil soit la le convient il avoir par droiture. Mais il est tant com mun par tout que chascun le poeut veoir mais que


alentour est ung aultre ciel de couleur de pourpre sicom
me les deuins (see note) le dient. et est appelle le ciel empire. Ce
lui ciel est garny et plain de toutes beaultez plus que
nulz des aultres que avons nommez. Et est illec lair sept
foiz plus bel et plus cler que nest le soleil. De cest ciel
empire trebucherent en enfer les mauvaiz angeles
par leur orguel lesquelz furent desgarniz de toute gloire
et de tous biens et sont illec les beneurez angeles de nostre
seigneur . Chi parle du celestiel PARADIS.
E entendre volez quest de paradis pour apren
dre che qui est dessus sans pechie le povez fai
re. Car che lieu est tres digne et beneure en
toutes choses pour quoy il ny poeut naistre ne sourdre
si non tous biens et doulceurs selon raison et droiture
Cest le propre lieu de la sainte trinite ou quel dieu le
pere siet en sa tres digne maieste. mais la falent les
entendemens del homme. Car il na celui tant soit bon
clerc qui en peust penser ne estimer la disme. Et se nostre
seigneur dieu pourprend nul lieu quel quil soit la le
convient il avoir par droiture. Mais il est tant com
mun par tout que chascun le poeut veoir mais que


124 around is it another sky the color of purple, as the divinators (see note) say, and this is the empyrean sky. This sky is decorated with and full of all kinds of beauty, more than the others we have mentioned. And the air there is seven times more beautiful and clear than the sun. From this empyrean sky the bad angels fell into Hell, out of their pride, and they were stripped of all glory and all good things. And the blessed angels of Our Lord are there. [rubric:] This speaks of the celestial Paradise. [rubric] If you want to understand what Paradise is, in order to know what is above us and without sin, you can do so. For this place is very worthy and blessed in all things, for which reason it can not give rise to nor source anything except good things and sweetness, according to reason and rightness. It is the rightful place of the Holy Trinity, where God the Father sits in His very great majesty. But the understanding of man fails here. For there is no one, however good a scholar he may be, who can think of or estimate the tenth part of it. And if Our Lord God should claim any land, whatever it be, He should rightfully have it. But He is present everywhere and can see everyone who


around is it another sky the color of purple, as the
divinators (see note) say, and this is the empyrean sky.
This sky is decorated with and full of all kinds of beauty,
more than the others we have mentioned. And the air there
is seven times more beautiful and clear than the sun. From
this empyrean sky the bad angels fell into Hell, out of
their pride, and they were stripped of all glory and
all good things. And the blessed angels of Our Lord
are there. [rubric:] This speaks of the celestial Paradise. [rubric]
If you want to understand what Paradise is, in order
to know what is above us and without sin, you can do so.
For this place is very worthy and blessed in
all things, for which reason it can not give rise to nor source
anything except good things and sweetness, according to reason and
rightness. It is the rightful place of the Holy Trinity, where
God the Father sits in His very great majesty. But the understanding
of man fails here. For there is no one, however good a scholar he may
be, who can think of or estimate the tenth part of it. And if
Our Lord God should claim any land, whatever it be, He should
rightfully have it. But He is present everywhere
and can see everyone who

Page 265

alentour est ung aultre ciel de couleur de pourpre sicom me les deuins (see note) le dient. et est appelle le ciel empire. Ce lui ciel est garny et plain de toutes beaultez plus que nulz des aultres que avons nommez. Et est illec lair sept foiz plus bel et plus cler que nest le soleil. De cest ciel empire trebucherent en enfer les mauvaiz angeles par leur orguel lesquelz furent desgarniz de toute gloire et de tous biens et sont illec les beneurez angeles de nostre seigneur . Chi parle du celestiel PARADIS. SE entendre volez quest de paradis pour apren dre che qui est dessus sans pechie le povez fai re. Car che lieu est tres digne et beneure en toutes choses pour quoy il ny poeut naistre ne sourdre si non tous biens et doulceurs selon raison et droiture Cest le propre lieu de la sainte trinite ou quel dieu le pere siet en sa tres digne maieste. mais la falent les entendemens del homme. Car il na celui tant soit bon clerc qui en peust penser ne estimer la disme. Et se nostre seigneur dieu pourprend nul lieu quel quil soit la le convient il avoir par droiture. Mais il est tant com mun par tout que chascun le poeut veoir mais que


alentour est ung aultre ciel de couleur de pourpre sicom
me les deuins (see note) le dient. et est appelle le ciel empire. Ce
lui ciel est garny et plain de toutes beaultez plus que
nulz des aultres que avons nommez. Et est illec lair sept
foiz plus bel et plus cler que nest le soleil. De cest ciel
empire trebucherent en enfer les mauvaiz angeles
par leur orguel lesquelz furent desgarniz de toute gloire
et de tous biens et sont illec les beneurez angeles de nostre
seigneur . Chi parle du celestiel PARADIS.
E entendre volez quest de paradis pour apren
dre che qui est dessus sans pechie le povez fai
re. Car che lieu est tres digne et beneure en
toutes choses pour quoy il ny poeut naistre ne sourdre
si non tous biens et doulceurs selon raison et droiture
Cest le propre lieu de la sainte trinite ou quel dieu le
pere siet en sa tres digne maieste. mais la falent les
entendemens del homme. Car il na celui tant soit bon
clerc qui en peust penser ne estimer la disme. Et se nostre
seigneur dieu pourprend nul lieu quel quil soit la le
convient il avoir par droiture. Mais il est tant com
mun par tout que chascun le poeut veoir mais que


124 around is another sky the color of purple, as the divinators say, and this is the empyrean sky. This sky is decorated and full of all kinds of beauty, more than the others we have mentioned. And the air there is seven times more beautiful and clear than the sun is. From this empyrean sky fell into Hell the bad angels, out of their pride, and they were stripped of all glory and all good things. And the blessed angels of Our Lord are there. [rubric:] This speaks of the celestial Paradise. If you want to understand what Paradise is, in order to know what is above us and without sin, you can do so. For this place is very worthy and blessed in all things, for which reason it can not give rise to nor source anything except good things and sweetness, according to reason and rightness. It is the rightful place of the Holy Trinity, where God the Father sits in his very great majesty. But the understanding of man fails here. For there is no one, however good a cleric he be, who can think of or estimate the tenth part of it. And if Our Lord God should claim any land, whatever it be, he should rightfully have it. But He is present everywhere and can see everyone who


around is another sky the color of purple, as the
divinators say, and this is the empyrean sky.
This sky is decorated and full of all kinds of beauty,
more than the others we have mentioned. And the air there
is seven times more beautiful and clear than the sun is. From
this empyrean sky fell into Hell the bad angels, out of
their pride, and they were stripped of all glory and
all good things. And the blessed angels of Our Lord
are there. [rubric:] This speaks of the celestial Paradise.
If you want to understand what Paradise is, in order
to know what is above us and without sin, you can do so.
For this place is very worthy and blessed in
all things, for which reason it can not give rise to nor source
anything except good things and sweetness, according to reason and
rightness. It is the rightful place of the Holy Trinity, where
God the Father sits in his very great majesty. But the understanding
of man fails here. For there is no one, however good a cleric he
be, who can think of or estimate the tenth part of it. And if
Our Lord God should claim any land, whatever it be, he should
rightfully have it. But He is present everywhere
and can see everyone who