


Status: Complete

Thursday 1 June
Dear Mom and Dad,
Hawaii sounds really great. I hope the weather continued to be nice. Today is a holiday and I with 4 others are studying in the library. Tomorrow Brain and I may go to Switz. It depends on how much work we got done- more if he finishes his paper for Nietzche or not. I'm taking the final in Nietzche instead of a paper. I would just as soon stay here this weekend but we'll see. That's really nice that the Edlumds are moving back- too bad it's not to replace the Twomeys or Toomeys. I wonder what Donny looks like. Finals are in 11 days. I hope to get a letter from Steve tomorrow giving me some dates. I don't know when or where he is arriving. I would sure like to know. Volleyball is really fun these days. If you see any heavy type sandals, I could sure use them. Did I really tell you about the Housing results. I'm placed in [Junipiro] like I thought I'd be. Sue Johnson says I can have her spot in lag, but I have to get out of hosusing system first. I sure will look into that possibility. I've heard that BOAC is lowering their prices to U.S from London. I will find out more. What a bummer-baby tht UCD rejected Steve. The whole law school deals sounds like a [jys]. When so much is placed on the boards. Bob Cullen and I are really good friends. We goof aorund together a lot. I'm psyched.

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