Correspondence (incoming): Ba - Barn, 1882-1902

Bacon, Eugenia Jones, ALS asking help for her nephew to attend Stanford Nov 13, 1893 Badlam, Alexander, ALS thanks for RR pass 1895 Feb 15 Badlam, Alexander, congratulations re government suit; Oct 14, 1895 Badlam, Alexander, to Mr. Lathrop with ALS to J. L. Stanford on Judge Ross's decision Mar 2, 1896 Baker, Eliza S., ALS congratulations on legal case, thankful for her son Shirley's four years at Stanford July 2, 1895 Balentine, Mary P. Nimmo, ALS her marriage, government suit. Mar 4, 1896 Bancroft. George J., A.N.S. congratulations re government suit Mar 4 1896 Bancroft, H. H., please give the Governor the enclosed volume 1882 Sep 16 Bank of California, acknowledgement of revocation of C. G. Lathrop to sign checks 1902 July 29 Barnes, Mrs. [L.R.], ALS "Annie Laurie article," sympathy Feb 18, 1896 Barnes, Mary Sheldan, A.N.S. congratulations on legal decision June 29, 1895


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[left side edge cut off, cannot transcribe]

[right side] now writing to know if there is any scholarship in your noble Institution, by which this boy could get an education, of course working in any way to help pay the fees & board. Having been myself, one of the unfortunates of the South, I am compeled to do what I can, and God has been good in fitting me for travelling, then, giving me friends who are glad to have my chaperonage, else, I could defray this youths expenses. I will do all I can to pay a part of his board. May I now tell you, that this dear boy, is the son of my only brother; whom, my precious mother died to give life to. Father died five months [last line cut off]

Last edit over 3 years ago by shashathree
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[same as page 1]

Last edit over 3 years ago by shashathree
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[addition to end of page 4]

after we petted & humored this little brother too much, perhaps to fit him for the sterner

[page 5, which had left edge cut off on previous view] [left side]

realities of life. I know if you could only know the whole sad history, you would realize how my heart burns within me, to see such talents drying up for the want of the proper educational food. Oh! dear Noble Mrs Stanford, if there is only a wee ray of hope that some day he may get into your Institution. Give it me. I should much prefer that he would work in some way so as not to be entirely a beneficiary. Every penny I can spare I have been putting in bank hoping to help his little sister to get an education, for this child was named for my husband & son. "Olivet Edwina" so you see my cup in full. I am almost ashamed to send this letter, but will you simply cash it into the

Last edit over 3 years ago by shashathree
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we need fear nothing.

Mrs Stanford may I write you freely, in regard to a matter, which is very near my heart. For years I have been doing all I could to devise a plan, by which I could educate a young boy of 16, who is growing up in a small village in Texas, with no educational advantages save a country school. The whole history of the family is a sad one. His father is a man who might have made a brilliant career for himself, for he is most talented. The war ended when he was only fourteen years old, leaving him an orphan, with neither father or mother. His fathers wealth had consisted in large landed estates & many hundreds of negroes. These of course were no more, so the lad found himself obliged to make his own way in the world. Like many he went to Texas, & at a young age married a good substantial Texas girl, but he is not of a hopeful disposition, & is not fitted for business. He has a good size family, & finds it impossible to give them educational advantages. I would work my fingers sore if I could only give this man's son a chance to reclaim his position in life, by a good education. The boy is ambitious, & has done well so far, but he needs better training than a common village school can give. I am not able to do more than pray that in some way he may get what he so much desires. I am

Last edit over 3 years ago by shashathree
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both left and right sides already transcribed today, the 18th of Sept

Last edit over 3 years ago by shashathree
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