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{cor[rupt] ?} in the above entitled matter, by
Isaac Petersberger, his attorney, and
amends his petition and schedule as fol-
lows: That it was not his intention in
scheduling the judgments of J. H. C.
Petersen's Sons, Van Patten & Marks,
Beiderbecks & Miller and the Phoenix
Mill Co to acknowledge any indebted-
ness to said parties.

"That said aforesaid parties have no
claim of any kind against said bankrupt
or his estate and have long since re-
ceived full value for said claims.

"That, in reference to their said
claims, under date of Aug. 24, 1901,
subsequent to the commencement of
this proceeding, J. A. Hartman, clerk of
the district court of Jones county, Iowa,

" ' I have examined the original files
in the True company case and find the
following: From the petition filed in
the case it appears the True company
gave a chattel mortgage to Van Patten
& Marks, Beiderbecke-Miller company,
Phoenix Mill company and J. H. C. Pe-
tersen's Sons. There was a receiver ap-
pointed and the property, consisting of
a stock of merchandise, was sold by
him for $7,782.20. I find by a decree
of the court entered after a report filed
by the receiver that the receiv er was
[or]dered to pay to the above stated parties
the full amount of their claims as set
out in the statements, but I am unable
to find any reports setting forth that
he has paid the different claims or any
receipts or show[ing] from the creditors
that they had been paid. I think from
the statement of the above judgments
you will find there was a sufficient
amount to pay them in full, but from
the records I am unable to say what
was done.'

"That the agg[reg]ate amount of the
unsatisfied judgments held by the afore-
said creditors mentioned in this amend-
ment, including all costs, was $4,683.43,
and as shown by the records of court
their receiver sold the goods of A. True
& Co. for $7,782.20, or for $3,98.77 more
than enough to satisfy their claims and
nearly enough to pay the claims and
costs of other creditors not included in
the receivership, whose claims aggre-
gated $3,277.18, or $179.40 more than the
residue in the hands of the receiver af-
ter he had paid claims of creditors men-
tioned in this amendment.

"That, notwithstanding the facts set
forth herein showing that J. H. C. Pe-
tersen's Sons, Van Patten & Marks,
Beiderbecke-Miller and the Phoenix
Mill company have received payment of
their claims in full of their respective
claims 15 years ago, they have con-
tinued to hold judgments against your
petitioner and his firm of A. True &
Co. and it is for the purpose of finally
liquidating their claims and not for the
purpose of acknowledging any indebt-
edness that their said claims have been


The Popular Tailoring Firm of
Drummond & Campbell Announce
Their Fall Opening.

Drummond & Campbell, successors
to Drummond Bros. & Campbell, have
now received their fall and winter
stock of nobby and up-to-date dress
patterns, suitings, trouserings, etc., in
all the different weaves and conceits
imaginable. This layout is certainly
one of the finest and most extensive
ever brought to the market at one time.

Fashions in men's apparel in this
firm's hands will not only reach the
highest point of art excellence in the
history of modern costumes this fall
and winter, but will surpass those of
any other time in their qualities and

The new firm are now more fully
prepared than ever to meet the de-
mands of their steadily increasing pat-
ronage. Good goods, expert workman-
ship, right prices and courteous treat-
ment will win out every time, and the
above characteristics certainly predom-
inate with the "people's" tailors -
Drummond & Campbell. The business
will be conducted at the "old stand,"
northeast corner Fourth and Brady.


One of the most entertaining and en-
joyable of the concerts in the series to
be given at the Burtis this winter will
be the appearance of Mr. George Ham-
lin, the celebrated tenor. He will be
assisted by Leon Marx, whose violin
playing is endowed with rare poetic
[last line cut off]

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The Burtis was an opera house in downtown Davenport, Iowa. It was listed on the National
Register of Historic Places in 1979, has since been torn down and delisted from register
in 2008.


See "qctimes.newspaperarchive.com" about Drummond and Campbell, dated June 24, 1902, p. 8