Untitled Page 79




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New orleans La { ?} 13, 1901

Mrs Stanford I have read
in the paper where you have
given so yourself the handsome sum
of $30,000,000 to your State have
plenty left for charity & my
object in writing to you is
this I have 3 girls that under
stands all kinds of home
work & their father is 65 years old
& has worked all his life at
Blacksmithing & has his {foreman ?}
of Same of the best { ?]
in this City & raised 5 girls & 5
boys & out of that no 4 is
married & we have 20 grand
children & Mr Alannas my dear
old man put all his earnings
in the grocery business & lost it
the work has not so good and
the { ?} and the shop he has

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scratchy writing, hard to read


does the last name start with a C or an A, or something else