Untitled Page 2


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3 revisions
guest_user at Jul 15, 2020 05:38 AM

Untitled Page 2

With a few hundred dollars to walk in and place in her dear old hands then enough to get her two or three nice cows which would be so proud a gift to surprise her with, -- can come we hope by the gracious stroke of your pen.

I see it so beautifully written in a publication of an extract from one of your letters that, "Our lives are not our own, and that when sorrows come we call it affliction." Yet how lovely and how touching is your hopes described at meeting your departed ones, and it is this that leads me to hope you may help poor mother and I.

Trusting this may meet with your approval I respectfully and tenderly enclose a few violets from out our cottage yard.

Most Respectfully,

Milford B. [Harriss?]

Untitled Page 2

With a few hundred
dollars to walk in and
place in her dear old
hands then enough to
get her two or three nice
cows which would be
so proud a gift to
surprise her with, -can
come we hope by the
gracious stroke of your pen.

I see it so beautifully
written in a publication
of an extract from one
of your letters that "Our
lives are no our own
and that when sorrows
come we call it affliction."
Yet how lovely and how
touching is your [hope?]
described at meeting
your departed ones and
it is this that leads me
to hope you may help
poor mother and I.

Ttusting this may
meet with your approval
I respectfully & tenderly
enclose a few violets
from out our cottage yard.

Most Respectfully,
Milford B [Harriss?]