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20 years younger. I have no
one in Sans [sic] Francisco to give
me a Recommendation: if Mr
Ellis Rev of Oakland I think
his wife has visited me. When
the Fidelity Bank [?] was
the first in the country. Mr
Edens of Pasadena and Dr Ashlof[t]
of Los angeles - the Treatment
can Take the Patient in such
a Potent way that you natur[ally]
become so Imbued with its
Invigorating Effect that I
do no advertiseing [sic] and I
am so desireous [sic] of coming
and I would not ask had
I not been successful in
Summer clubs so you can
if doubtful send me the

and when the time comes
for me to Prove the Truth
of this letter I would be only
too glad to do so.

in 79 and 80 - I was a
Subscriber to the San F. Call
Liveing [sic] at the time in Ohio
The Editor was a friend of my
Husband George MacKenzie London
England I am shure [sic] you will
spare me time to answer this
and if not, hand it to some
member of the Episcopalian
church or member of the
Ioof My Lodge is 222 Magnolia
Cir 6 Medina Chicago - if you
should think favorable - Tel [sic] me
the same and I will wait
an answer - if not I will
Go to Florida untill [sic] I have more
means at Hand - Direct your
answer to Dr Hallie D Mackenzie.

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