Untitled Page 15
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of the Bathes [sic] - and I know
that "The University would
Patronise" More I would take
4 students you may choose
and 4 others Equal grades
for a year." I wil Give Bathes
to 4 one year in arrears of
yours, at the End of 6 months
they will have gained or their
Grade 3 months," I have saw
it Tested if the Ladies or your
self - will send me a Pass - I
will Show you in the next
few weakes [sic] what the benefits
are or I will forfit [sic] the Pass
and pay over the money - Oh
How I would like to be near
enough to see you parsonly [sic]" that
I am a Poor Corespondant [sic] you
can see.
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