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Carries Out Her Husband's Wishes and Transfers Great Property

San Francisco, Cal., Monday. — Mrs. Jane
L. Stanford to-day tranferred to Leland
Stanford, Jr., University property worth ap-
proximately $30,000,000. Eighteen million is in
stocks and bonds, gilt edge securities, bring-
ing in a great revenue, while the remaining
$12,000 is in real estate, comprising al-
most a million acres.

The real estate deeded to the university
comprises much of the property originally
given by Senator Stanford, the deeds con-
veying it being found to be illegal. Among
the most important items in the real estate

transfer is the great Vina ranch of 50,000
acres, another tract of more than 30,000 acres
and the home ranch of 9,000 acres, at Palo
Alto, which constitutes the university cam-
pus. The real estate lies in twenty-six
counties in this State.

The securities Mrs. Stanford gives to the
university consists of income bearing stocks
and bonds. Most of these are the paper of
the California water companies, street rail-
roads and municipal bonds. All the bonds
are first mortgage, paying good interest. The
The stocks are all gilt edged, and some have
more than doubled in value in the last six

Mrs. Stanford has proved herself an excel-
lent financier, and most of her investments
have proved highly profitable. By a sepa-
rate deed Mrs. Stanford gives her home in
this city and this, estimated to be worth not
less than $400,000, will be converted into a
museum and art gallery.

In spite of these big gifts, Mrs. Stanford
still retains several million dollars with
which to care for many charities and for her
own private uses.

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