Untitled Page 53
Darlington Wisconsin Dec 15th
Mrs Stanford San Francisco. Cal.
Dear Madam I see in St Paul paper
your Large Gift to university and just
thought I would be sick say in reply how you
could make one poor but honest man
& family happy for a few Hundred
Dollars not millions as I am soon
to lose my little Home if the mortgage
is not paid I will say to you rather
then [sic] let the wolves here have it I will
make a Deed of it to you and you
send me a Bond of a Deed or land
contract so if I pay the amount you
send in say 3 years at 7 percent I
will have the place back if not it
will be yours without any expenses in
law the little Home is probly [sic] worth $1,500
one thousand five Hundred at least. Our
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