Untitled Page 1


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8 revisions
guest_user at Nov 10, 2022 10:24 AM

Untitled Page 1

Newland, Washington Dec. 22, 1901

Mrs Jane L. Stanford.
San Francisco, Cal.

My Dear Madam
I take the liberty to write to you, also enclose this article cut from one of our local papers. While reading it I was struck by the Vast Amount of wealth that is in your keeping. I appreciate the generosity of yourself and Husband and realise that it will do untold good to Thousands. I hope you may take the time to read this letter all of it, I wish to

Untitled Page 1

Newland, Washington Dec. 22, 1901

Mrs Jane L. Stanford.
San Francisco, Cal.

My Dear Madam
I take the liberty to write to you, also enclose this article cut from one of our local papers. While reading it I was struck by the vast amount of wealth that is in your keeping. I appreciate the generosity of yourself and Husband and realise that it will do untold good to thousands. I hope you may take the time to read this letter all of it, I wish to