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Chicago Ills Dec 11, 1901
Mrs Jane L Stanford
My Dear Madam
Would it be posible [sic] for a person to to secure say a Click [sic] of Ladies who have begun to Show the cares of life & its Ravages - To take a course of Bath Treatment; The Wies Baden or Carles Bad [sic - Carlsbad] - if I do not do what I profess:- that I can make the Bather feel
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20 years younger. I have no one in Sans [sic] Francisco to give me a Recommendation: if Mr Ellis Rev of Oakland I think his wife has visited me. When the Fidelity Bank [?] was the first in the country. Mr Edens of Pasadena and Dr Ashlof[t] of Los angeles - the Treatment can Take the Patient in such a Potent way that you natur[ally] become so Imbued with its Invigorating Effect that I do no advertiseing [sic] and I am so desireous [sic] of coming and I would not ask had I not been successful in Summer clubs so you can if doubtful send me the
and when the time comes for me to Prove the Truth of this letter I would be only too glad to do so.
in 79 and 80 - I was a Subscriber to the San F. Call Liveing [sic] at the time in Ohio The Editor was a friend of my Husband George MacKenzie London England I am shure [sic] you will spare me time to answer this and if not, hand it to some member of the Episcopalian church or member of the Ioof My Lodge is 222 Magnolia Cir 6 Medina Chicago - if you should think favorable - Tel [sic] me the same and I will wait an answer - if not I will Go to Florida untill [sic] I have more means at Hand - Direct your answer to Dr Hallie D Mackenzie.
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there is a Book in the Coppi Wright [sic - Copyright] Office Washington D. C. tells of my life work and how I spent my money when rich but Dear Mrs Stanford, "Woman God Bless Her Dedicated to H D. Mackenzie has always been a Panacia [sic] in My life had I done no good with My Money and Home - I could not now feel that the Power God Gives me - is only in return for the Same - but I am Happy in Makeing [sic] the rich to Pass Judgment the Element of the rest of the World will follow no need to say but the love of Health runs in every thought of the Poor and rich alike
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required refference [sic] and I will gladly respond & how I would like to take a way the marks of Pain that I see in your face and feel the Blood Tingling through Every Pulsation of your noble heart and massage you so Gentley [sic] that sweet sleep will bring the Tinge of Youth & health. $30 000 000 would not tempt me to exchange my Health and my complexion and that you have so much made me determined to ask you for the above I cant tell why but few would I ask so fare [sic] away such a favor - you have millions I would want only such to recommend the your
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of the Bathes [sic] - and I know that "The University would Patronise" More I would take 4 students you may choose and 4 others Equal grades for a year." I wil Give Bathes to 4 one year in arrears of yours, at the End of 6 months they will have gained or their Grade 3 months," I have saw it Tested if the Ladies or your self - will send me a Pass - I will Show you in the next few weakes [sic] what the benefits are or I will forfit [sic] the Pass and pay over the money - Oh How I would like to be near enough to see you parsonly [sic]" that I am a Poor Corespondant [sic] you can see.