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Spokane Wash
Jan 15, 1902
Mrs. Jane L. Stanford.
Dear Friend
I have been reading in our daily paper and also the Delineator of the great deeds of gift executed by you for Universitys and poor people and thought I would ask you to help me a little. We have bought a small lot with a two room house on it and my husband works very hard in a Laundry trying to pay for it but everything has went against
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us I have been sick most all the time for over two years with feamale [sic] weakness and have big Dr. bills to pay and am now expected to be confined any time and if you could send us enough money that we could get along and they wont take our little home away from us I will be very thankful and will try to return your kindness when I can. Let me hear from you any way.
I would like to know about your farms My husband is a good farmer and we would like to get out of the city on a farm and think my health would be better. Yours Truly,
Mrs. M.W. McDonald
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Springfield O. Jan 1th 1902.
Mrs Jane L. Stanford
I write to you because I belive that you are a Good Woman and a frend to the Poor I have read of your good deeds of whitch I know that God will reward you for With his unperishable divine Wealth which he has in store for those hwo Whilingly help his worthy Poore. and I Now Dear Madam May I humblay aske of you in Gods Name to do Me a finantule blesing. I am 57 years of
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age a dear Wife and a large famlie of children
I desire to leave them a home When I die. I am a consistant Believer in God and a Christian Man.
I God I know will Divinly reward and Pay you for it.
I beg and wait an answer. at your pleasure, vary respecfuly to Honor.
J.W. McAdoo.
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St. Dunstan's College,
Charlottetown, P.E. Island,
Jan 26 1902
Jane Lathrop Stanford
My dear Lady permit me to adress you these few lines soliciting your kind sympathy in aid of a poor but deserving student of this Institution, who being robbed by cruel death of Fathers & Brothers as you have been, of youre son. My dear Madam I make this appeal to solicit your kind paternage having herd over at this great distance of your kindness to the deserving poor especially those seekng an education. I myself have not been blessed with an abundance of this worlds goods only sufficient to obtain for me one years eductation in this institution and which is now fast drawing to an end which when that point is reached I know not which way to turn if you deer madam would kindly consent to help me to finish my course which will take three years more you would be doing a kind act for which God in his goodness will reward you. And althoe now poor & unknown if ever I get to be anybody of my influence I shall never forget youre kindness