Correspondence (incoming): begging letters, M



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324 Munreo St Stokton Callafornia the 6th of feb 1901

My Dear Mrs. Stanford.

I am a poor women and you are a good rich woman and I have ben thinking of you many meny [detims?]. I have 3 lovly little children 2 girls an one boy and a sick Husband to take care of and I will now ask you to make my have burden ligth if your hart well alaw you we have a little 3 rom house an d have it very poor so Dear Mrs Stanford plese dont overlock thes lins respectfully Mrs. McLeod. Stokton

Last edit over 1 year ago by MikeH
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Please let me know soon ef you well help me or not is my wish ett wold make oss fil very happe

Plas dont refuse these lins for my childrens sake i am a swedish lady and I am not very god hand at wrighting English or spelling I mean

[writing left hand side of margin]

God well bless you ef you help the poor and sick forever

(Mrs. McLeod 324 Munroe St Stockton Callufornia)

Last edit over 1 year ago by MikeH
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Eudora, Kansas, Dec 23, 1901.

Mrs. Stanford,

Kind Madam: I write this to you in the hopes that it may be to one who will help one who is unfortunate. My husband was ordered to the Philippines with his regiment, the 28th Inf. I have never heard from him, whether he ever reached there or not. I am left without money, with two babies, the oldest only 3 yrs. old & no way to support them, as the youngest is only a few months old & no one wants a woman with children, to work for them. I have thought sometimes it would be best for me to adopt them out to people who could give them a good home & would be kind to them, but a mother's heart dreads the thought of having to give up her babies. If I had the means to do so, I should much rather keep them & do for them myself. My object in this is to ask you, if out of your plenty, you would be willing to give me such a sum as you would think would give me a chance to help myself, so I could do by my babies as I should like to? If you have ever had children of your own, I am

Last edit over 1 year ago by MikeH
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sure this will touch your mother's heart & should you help me it will be an act for which I will always bless you. I have heard it said that strangers are often more willing to help one than those who should do so by right of relation ship.

I am one who is willing to help herself if she has a chance.

A soldier's wife, deserted by him, & left with two little ones.

Mrs. S.F. McGeleget

Last edit over 4 years ago by ab
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Cos Cob. Conn, Feb. 4, 1901.

Mrs Leland Stanford, San Francisco Cal.

Dear Madame,

Not knowing any one personally in California, and often hearing of you, from my dear husband Mr Charles Mac Rae, I thought I might trouble you to advise me in what I wish to do. I was in California about ten years ago, and always wanted to go there to live; but never could accomplish it until now; that I have been left a widow with a little means, that will enable me to go there and live for some time. What I wish to do, is, to find some occupation in the way of vine, or fruit raising, whereby I could partly support myself and not use all my means. Now! if you could kindly give me any information, or let me know to whom I could go, I should always feel myself indebted to you

very sincerely Mary J. MacRae.

Last edit over 1 year ago by MikeH
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