Untitled Page 13




Status: Complete

Dec 14th 1901

Mrs Stanford

I have been reading of your
wonderful liberality, and think it is so grand
and good for you to be able & willing to do so
much good and I presume you like all other
rich people have lots of begging letters and
I know must be very annoying. Now I am
not going to beg but will you please listen
to a little of my situation. I am a woman
over 60 and I have a farm of 67 acres
but had to mortgage it, times were hard and
it cost so much for help. There is a mortgage
of $900 on it but the one holding it is
my aunt by marriage and she wants the
money and says if I will raise her $600 she
will relieve me of all obligation. Now I wish
some one was able to let me have that amount
without interest and let me pay the interest
and apply it to the principle every year
untill it was paid, or more if I could get it

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