Untitled Page 22
Office of
Supreme Lodge
Columbian Brotherhood of Honor,
931 West Jefferson Street,
Louisville, Ky. Dec 22, 1901
Mrs. Standiford: [sic]
Kind Madam:
Your reply per Pres't of
University received. I have tried hard
and find the chances for one to earn
money to pass through College are
not flattering. Colleges here in this
state as a rule bar colored boys. I
would enter Leland next month if I
could raise the fees and board and
fare, but I cannot. I now ask
if you find anyone in need of a trusty
industrious polite Colored boy aged
about 19 years, for service, give my
address. If I can only be employed
by some one of wealth I can economize
and yet succeed. Respt.
Will S. Peyton 931 Jeff
Louisville Ky.
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