Untitled Page 35
Status: Complete
N.Y. 245 W 74th St
Jany 1st 1894.
My dear Mrs. Stanford,
I must write to you.
our dear, kind friend,
this snowy "New Year's
Day," to tell you how
much we are with you
in heart and feeling,
and how much we
[left side]
maining there two weeks in
ignorance of all that was taking
place, we heard just before sailing
for home in London of your sad loss and
ours - and that all was over, our
noble friend's funeral having taken
place long before so we thought we
could not explain to you in telegrams
[sideways on right page]
we have a very tiny house here where we wish we
might hope to welcome
you sometimes
Yours always
Ida H. G.
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