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she may be spared many years of health.
Colonel Grant and I are grateful to have met you and Senator Stanford at Geneva, and with our Children, we shall ever Cherish the memories of our visits with you both and all your Kindness to us, for which we feel heartfelt appreciation We sincerely trust that you may have a safe
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and pleasant return home and that you may both be blessed with the renewed health, & serene Content, which you so richly deserve in the midst of all your good and noble works.
Colonel Grant, the Children and I, all join in sending you and the Senator, our most affectionate Greetings -
Yours ever sincerely
Ida H. Grant
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U.S. Legation, Vienna
Dec. 14th 1892
My dear Mrs Stanford -
I ventured to send you a card case with Christmas Greetings, though I know you have everything lovely, and our children sent also, one
[left end of card vertically]
that the New Year will be filled with happiness and good health for you both
devotedly yours,
Ida H. Grant
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as a souvenir of Vienna to dear Senator Stanford.
Our trifling little gifts will reach you both, safely we hope, and perhaps, you will use them sometimes this winter in dear old Washington.
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We are delighted to learn that you and Senator Stanford reached home safely and improved in health, and we trust that our message wishing you "Bon voyage", reached you before you sailed.
How very sad poor Mrs Harrison's death was, and how noble and tender