Correspondence (incoming): Grant, Julia D, 1894-1895

ALS social, reference to RR strike 1894 Feb 4 ALS and cvr. social 1894 Feb 24 ALS and cvr. would like to meet with her 1894 Mar 5 Tel. returning East [1894] May 9 Tel. arrived 1894 May 24 ALS enjoyed J.L.Stanford's car in N.Y. 1894 May 28 ALS and cvr. social, summer plans 1894 June 9 ALS social, summer plans 1894 June 21 ALS to stay in Washington with Nellie 1894 Sep 18 ALS at Washington, social news, U.S. Grant Jr. to run for Senate from California 1894 Nov 11 Tel. will come see her in NY if she waits 1894 Nov 19 ALS social 1894 Dec 16 ALS social 1895, June 19 ALS social, in Washington 1895? or '94? Nov 23


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you to think she was careless about calling. I have sent your letter to Ida so that she may know you called on her.

Ulysses and family have gone to California only a few days ago. Do you know they are talking of making Ulysses N Y Senator from Southern California nice do you not think? My son Fred has done honor to the name of Grant. I was congratulating you that you were well out of the Union Pacific when I saw it was to be sold by

Last edit over 4 years ago by MikeH
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[right side]

2111 Massachusetts Avenue.

November 11th

My dear Mrs Stanford

Your letter came yesterday. I am glad to hear you are well.

You must have gone to the wrong house for Col Fred is living just where he has lived for the last three years.

Mrs Col

[left side]

wrote me that she had called on you a number of times, and was so unfortunate as not to see you. She asked me to write and tell you as she (all of them) were so proud of you and she did not want

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the Government and what a shame so it is.

Julia D. Grant with love

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here - with you same dear Mrs Stanford and make happy your [truest, honest ?] and devoted friend

Julia D. Grant


say yes do?

This is what I wrote for and never thought about again until I mentioned the Union Pacific.


Last edit over 3 years ago by shashathree
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[right side]

2111 Massachusetts Avenue.

My dear friend

wont you come down and make me a nice visit come I have two rooms for you now and you shall have a room to see your business men in. You

[left side]

might do a great deal of good for the road by coming now and then for I would be so pleased to see you and give you the pleasure of meeting all of your old friends

Last edit over 4 years ago by MikeH
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that my place now, is near my Nellie. If that dreadful panic had not come last year, I would have made a fine sale of my dear beautiful book, and if I had, I was going to empty the whole of it (one hundred thousand dollars) into your lap, in exchange for your charming sunny house in Washington, and how I would have enjoyed having all my young people with me, but it was willed otherwise and now, I go to the children in place of their coming to me. I go to the Col's for a while and then to Nellie's for a longer visit. Ulysses with his family are still at San Diego, as is my Jesse with his family who are so happy just now in occupying their pretty little house I have given them. Their letters are so full of love and gratitude that I feel more than happy that I

Last edit over 4 years ago by MikeH
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