Correspondence (incoming): Grant, Julia D, 1894-1895

ALS social, reference to RR strike 1894 Feb 4 ALS and cvr. social 1894 Feb 24 ALS and cvr. would like to meet with her 1894 Mar 5 Tel. returning East [1894] May 9 Tel. arrived 1894 May 24 ALS enjoyed J.L.Stanford's car in N.Y. 1894 May 28 ALS and cvr. social, summer plans 1894 June 9 ALS social, summer plans 1894 June 21 ALS to stay in Washington with Nellie 1894 Sep 18 ALS at Washington, social news, U.S. Grant Jr. to run for Senate from California 1894 Nov 11 Tel. will come see her in NY if she waits 1894 Nov 19 ALS social 1894 Dec 16 ALS social 1895, June 19 ALS social, in Washington 1895? or '94? Nov 23


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245 West 74th N Y

May 28th 94

My dear Mrs Stanford

This is the very first moment I have been really able (since I telegraphed you of my arrival) to sit down and write you. I have been ill ever since I arrived. It is over fatigue and excitement I suppose for of the latter I have had

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much at my old home St Louis Mo.

I must tell you how much I with my Jesse and his nice little wife enjoyed your delightful car, which I used as far as St Louis, as I was to remain there a week I surrendered it to the Rail way authorities, who said it would be properly cared for. He

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watch I found I had in one of my trunks packed away and said I would give it to Julia when she exclaimed Oh, Grandmama I have this lovely watch, showing it to me, that dear Mrs and Senator Stanford gave me. The boy started up taking his watch out too, saying yes Grandmama, the very last time we ever saw them they gave sister and me these beautiful watches. They were not only kind but very generous to us. They all join me in love to you my dear Mrs Stanford and now good bye for I fear you will tire of this long letter - and again thanking you believe me always your sincere and affectionate friend

Julia Dent Grant

I wish you would write sometimes to me

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The family all enquired most affectionately after you and again lamented their being at the time of your great bereavement almost buried in a little out of the way German village where they never met any one or saw a paper and never heard the sad news until

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they thought it too late to telegraph you. Of course this is awkward to explain but dear Mrs Stanford could not think we could be careless or neglectful and at such a time of our good best of friends?

Ulysses their son is lovely, and Julia too is fair and gentle I wish you could see them I spoke of a little

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San Diego Calif

March 5th 94.

My very dear Friend

Mrs Stanford

I am afraid you did not receive the note I wrote you, whilst you were at Los Angeles, enquiring if you would be coming to San Diego. I very much wish

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to meet you before I return East, and I am sure dear friend, you would after all that has passed between us, be gratified to meet me.

Julia D. Grant

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see you before I return East. You know of course how lovely this climate is, and I am sure the change here will be of benefit to you.

With love dear Mrs Stanford, I am always yours with loving affection

Julia D Grant

My address is 7th and Ash Street

I hope you do not feel that I imposition you?

Last edit over 4 years ago by MikeH
Displaying pages 11 - 15 of 37 in total