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[printed letterhead
[crossed out]
San Francisco, Cal.

San Francisco, Aug. 7, 1901

Dear Sister: -

Your letter from Murren, dated July 21st was received
yesterday P.M. The description given in your letter of the
surrounding Country from the location of the Grand Hotel, is something
grand, and I am very much pleased to learn that you have found
a location that you are enjoying, and that the high elevation from
the level of the sea has been of great benefit to you, and your
condition is improving. I was however sorry to learn that it was necessary
that an operation had to be performed in removing a wen. I remember
before you left New York, that you worried and was afraid that an
operation would have to be performed and how you dreaded it, but I
am glad to know that the operation was a success and it will only be
a matter of a short time when it will heal up and you will be releived
of the annoyance.

I note what you say of your being anxious, in regard to the disposal
of the Mex. Int. R.R., and hoped that I would have done as you requested,
taking Mr. Leib and going to New York and get all the information
possible from Mr. Hubbard. At the time I received this telegram, I
advised you that I was not feeling well and was confined to my home
and just escaped a more serious sickness, by taking hold of the
matter in time. I do not think you would have been benefited had Mr.
Leib and myself gone east, as I received a great deal of information
from Mr. H. E. Huntington and Mr. C. R. Green, who recently returned from
New York., and also from letters sent me by Gen. Hubbard, of which I

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