Untitled Page 16
Ah Sing, Laborer. Employed at general work. $1.25 per day, boards self.
Useful man, understands work required. Will probably
accept $1.10.
Can have Day. WINERY
Chas. Staubes Foreman$150.00 per month. Present and future wages
$100.00 per month, as per agreement with Mrs.
Stanford, for services as winemaker.
C. Voss. Cellar Foreman $50.00 per month. Will accept $45.
W. Schelle Second man. $1.25 per day. Will accept $1.10.
12 for board
W.A. Price. Cellar man. $1.15 per day. WIll work at any price
J.E. Cureton. Cellar man. $1.15 per day. WIll work at any price
E. Douspis. Cellar man. $1.15 per day. WIll work at any price
M. Singler Cellar man. $1.15 per day. Will accept $1.00
J.D. Jones. Cellar man $1.55 per day. Boards self. Will accept
C. Brouillard. Cellar man $1.55 per day. Boards self. Will acceot
$1.40 per day.
W. Haman. Cellar man. $1.15. Will accept $1.10.
W. Skelton (Let him go) Laborer. Doing all kinds of work about the
winery as required. wages $1.00 per day. Will
accept such reduction as considered right.
Think will take $25.00 per month.
P. Mabie Teamster $1.15 per day, hauling brandy, and doing all
other team work on the grounds, or outside as
required. Will accept same wages as other teamsters.
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