Correspondence (outgoing), 1897 Jan-Aug



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matter exchange of Bonds still under consideration. If I consent to Exchange of Bonds the new Bonds must be here in San Francisco and delivered to me before I surrender the old ones. But under no circumstances will I consult to clause giving new Organization right to build new roads in Mexico and absolutely decline use of my name in that connection. It is in direct violation of agreement of March 27th 1894.

Copy of telegram from Mrs. Leland Stanford to Gen'l Hubbard

Feb 1. 97.

Last edit over 4 years ago by MikeH
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What total issue of bonds of Each of above roads.

How much per mile on Each road.

General information concerning financial condition of Each road.

Which Bonds of above roads are the best security & best bond in your judgment?

J.L. Stanford Feb 1st / 97. S. F. Cal

Last edit over 4 years ago by ab
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Copy of Letter sent to Gen Thomas Hubbard Jan 14th 1897-

About Mexican R.R. Bonds -

Last edit over 4 years ago by ab
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Copy -

San Francisco Cal

January 14th 1897-

Gen Thomas Hubbard

Dear Sir -

On the 12th inst I sent you a telegram as follows.

Until I hear directly from you and know exactly what I will receive in place of present holdings of Mexican International R.R. bonds and more detail than I now have, I must withhold my consent to reorganization and proposed sale of

Last edit over 4 years ago by MikeH
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on behalf of Thomas Welton Stanford - of Melbourne Australia, which latter bonds have been offered by me to him in settlement of the remainder of his legacy of $300,000 under the Will of my husband and you will therefor [sic] see that all these bonds are not really in my hands.

If in all cases I had the same information directly from you that Mr. Crocker has from you it would greatly facilitate the transactions of business, and I feel I have a right to demand

Last edit over 4 years ago by ab
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