Correspondence (outgoing)

ALS to Leland Stanford. In San Francisco, baby's vaccination, small pox, personal news 1868 or 1869


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San Francisco Dear Leland

Thinking you may be in Sac tomorrow I will write a few lines I received your telegram and sent one in returne [sic] directed to Virginia City but the operator here wrote me a note yesterday saying the operator at Virginia City was unable to find you. you were not not in town so I came to the conclusion you were at Wash City and gave up sending one as you may be at Sac tomorrow. I

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his arm is dischargeing [sic] considerably Dr Stillman said this morning he would rather I would not go up till Thursday or Friday and the scab would come off. [Annie?] M has a sore arm too hers took. Dr Blake met me in the hall this morning and asked me if he could see the baby. I brought him and Alice was just drying him from taking a bath, he said he was one of the finest children he ever saw and "he was as fine as they ever made him." He said he had heard he was a very remarkably fine child but he was more he was so well made and very hansome [sic]

Last edit over 3 years ago by MikeH
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am tired of being here and thought on Saturday I would leave here to-day for home so as to surprise you and have things all nice and a good lunch ready but Saturday night the baby seemed to be very worrysome and after twelve oclock he was very fitful crying at spells just as he did that night you arrived at Helens. Alice & I were up from two o clock till seven trying everything to comfort him I sent for the Dr and he ordered a hot bath and a little gin sling - which quieted him and he then slept three hours.

Yesterday morning after he had slept and we went to dress him we found most all his trouble had proceeded from his arm. His vaccination had taken and his arm is very sore to day he has spell of being cold and then again in a dripping perspiration. Dr was in this morning and says he is taking it very severely all through his system and that night he cried so that he no doubt felt just as a person does when they are coming down with small pox. He had a splendid night last night and feels in good spirits

Last edit over 3 years ago by MikeH
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I went up to see Sister Francis this morning and thank her for her kinship. I was charmed with her and she seemed to be so much pleased that I called. She said "are you going to remain in the City long. I said I thought of returning very soon. She said I would not stay here for the small pox is terribly bad much worse than the public generally are aware of and it is constantly spreading as people are very careless here. She says it is the very worst type that is raging here. The black small pox and

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of wives. I shall be glad when we can be together all the time. I feel so lonesome even here in the Hotel. I miss you all the time.

With many kisses and a heart full of love affectionately yours


Baby sends lots of kisses

the baby's love mark he did it with pen in hand

Last edit over 3 years ago by MikeH
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but they have more knowledge of it as the sisters are among it all the time. She is a beautiful woman I fell completely in love with her she spoke in the highest terms of you she has such regard for you let me know what you are going to do if you are coming here soon if not I will returne [sic] this week.

Gen [Fancham?] & son sit with us at table he is very social and pleasant they sail tomorrow morning.

Now dear Leland I will say good bye

I was delighted to get your letter. I see so little of you now days a letter is more dear than ever. I feel as though I had so much to tell you about your being so good to me doing so much I am so much occupied with baby I was afraid I dont do my duty to you when I do have you with me but my heart is full of love running over with the feelings I have for you my blessed Husband. I am not half good enough. I would like to be perfect that you might think me the best

Last edit over 3 years ago by MikeH
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