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United States Department of Agriculture,
Office of Experiment Stations.

Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station.

Honolulu, Hawaii, ________________, 190 .

I also know that he changed position at
once when he found that his fee would
come from the Stanford estate.

Incidentally although Mr. Duncan was
associated with Shorey as an analyst in
the case, Shorey retained the whole
of the fee and Duncan did not receive
one cent.

Greed of gold is a very strong character-
istic with this fellow, and I believe that
he would sell his word or his reputation
or whatever traces of an immortal soul
there may be in him, to the highest
bidder or to any bidder if he thought
he could cover up his trail. As to
honor he has none, absolutely.

Yours Truly

Jared G Smith

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Spelling of Dr. Shorey's name confirmed here; https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025121/1905-03-03/ed-1/seq-2/