Untitled Page 143
WHEREAS, It has been the will of Providence in its
infinite wisdom, to remove from our midst our beloved
friend and benefactress, Mrs. Jane Lathrop Stanford; and
WHEREAS, Through her death we, the Japanese Students'
Association of Stanford University, together with all the
students and others connected with the University, and with
her hosts of friends elsewhere, have suffered the loss of a
friend whom we love, revere, and respect, and have had re-
moved from us the example of her uplifting and ennobling
life; be it
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Japanese Students'
Association of Stanford University, to whom she has shown
many personal favors, do hereby express our deep and heart-
felt sorrow at the bereavement that has come so suddenly
to us, and extend to her relatives our truest sympathy in
their even greater trial; and
RESOLVED, That this testimonial be spread upon the
records of this association, and that a copy be forwarded
to her brother, Mr. Chas. G. Lathrop.
Taira Nakamura, Pres.
Fumiya Nakayama, Sec.
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