Untitled Page 298
San Jose.
March 18th, 1905.
Dr. J. C. Branner.
Acting President, Stanford University.
Dear Sir:-
I have your letter of yesterday inviting me to preach
the sermon at the funeral of Mrs. Stanford next Friday. I appreciate
the honor thus done me, and also the serious responsibility put upon
me thereby. I well understand that the words spoken on such an
occasion must be sober, judicous and discreet words. I am
willing to undertake the office, and perform it to the best of my
ability. It occurs to me that I ought beforehand to have a brief
conference with you, or those in charge of the ceremonies, and there-
fore I shall go to Stanford on Monday next, reaching there probably
at about 10 A.M. If convenient to you, I should much like to have a
brief interview with you at such hour and place as may suit your
convenience. If more convenient to you, I could just as well go up
later in the day, or in the afternoon. You can communicate with
me here by telephone, if you desire to do so. My number is, Blue 1772.
On reflection, perhaps it will be better for me to go up in the aft-
ernoon. But I shall be governed by your convenience.
Very respectfully yours.
John W. Dinsmore
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