Memorials, 1905

Letters by George M. Bower, Jas. B. Hamilton, Chas.K. Field, Ellwood P. Cubberley, Jos. Swain, Aylett R. Cotton Jr., F.H. Wheelen, K. Ugeno (Japanese consul), Chas. W. Fay, C.W. Wright, Luther Burbank (Tel.), John T. Doyle, James Agler, M.H. Hyland, John P. Irish, Ben. Ide Wheeler (Tel.) ,Grace H. Gilmor, Ray Lyman Wilbur, J.C. Branner, and Jno. J. Sabin; lists of pall bearers and marshals; and poems. Draft of program; typescript memorial of Board of Trustees; letters of Keinasuke Otaki, C.F. Curray, A. D. Shepard, George C. Pardee (Tel.); and lists. Lists; letters and telegrams from J. Culver Hartzell, C.A. Duniway (Tel.). Andrew J. Copp Jr., Wm. J. Crocker, Ben. Ide Wheeler, Isabell S.Hubbard, Lizzie M. Carr, John Garber, Geo.E. Crothers, Herbert C. Jones, James E. Phelan, John Hemphill, and M.H. de Young.


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that I have, the Same shall be returned to you by return mail. Please reply at your earliest Convenience and Oblige.

Yours Respectfully.

Austin J Browne. 320 Madison St Milwaukee Wis

PS enclosed find Stamp for Reply. AJB

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March 6th 1905. Rensselaer, Ind.

Pres. David S. Jordan,

Dear Sir: Please accept my sentiments of condolence for Stanford University through the loss of its' benefactress.

Your Institution will I hope, not suffer any great embarrassments from this sad event.

Yours Very Truly, Christian Wuerthner

Pres D S Jordan, Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., Palo Alto, Cal.

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Mch 2nd 1905

Dean Stanford University D.S. J.

My son Jos. L. Clarke is attending yr College I have just learnt with deep regret the sudden [cutting ?] off of its great friend & Benefactress I can not feel that the supposition of Poison with intent is an error & prefer to believe that Mrs Stanford was summoned by Divine Providence The University Faculty & Scholars have my sincere sympathy in their great loss

Yrs Truly Jos L Clarke 37 Board Trade Chicago

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San Jose, March 3rd, 1905. Dear Doctor Jordan:- Thanks for your courteous note just received. It was not that I shrank from the duty or the responsibility, but that I wished to open the way for any other arrangement you might think well to make. Of course, I shall lay aside the sermon I purposed to give, and simply try to enter into sympathy with the occasion, and to pay such a tribute to the memory of Mrs. Stanford as may come from one outside of her circle of special friends. I shall try to utter in a modest way the voice of the general public. I shall not require much time, and if it is desired that you, or any other, shall speak, I shall not be in the way. With high regard and all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, John W Dinsmore

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Department of Education San Jose, California March 8, 1905. Whereas: In the fulfillment of the order of events in human affairs, planned and worked out by a Divine hand, Mrs. Jane Lathrop Stanford has departed this life, and Whereas, We, the Board of Education of the city of San Jose, recognize that the cause of education has lost one of its most efficient workers, and Whereas, We bow our heads in the greatest respect to a life so devoted, to a work so well done; and we bless the Providence that gave to our co-worker such a fullness of days in which to perform the task which she set for herself, and Whereas: We congratulate the educational world upon not only a life of devotion, but upon the results of that devotions, Therefore, be it: Resolved that we extend to her relatives and those friends near to her in life's trials our heartfelt sympathy in this our common loss. Committee H. F. Emlay T A Carroll Byron Millard

Last edit about 3 years ago by shashathree
Displaying pages 266 - 270 of 305 in total