Untitled Page 28




Status: Indexed


Exhibit "N."

May 21, 1900.

Mrs. Stanford,

My dear Friend:

I must tell you frankly and fully my own impres-
sion of Dr. Ross. I am sure that if you knew him as I do, no
outside criticism could shake your confidence in him.

Dr. Ross has faults, no doubt; but they are neither dangerous
nor incurable. They are the faults of enthusiasm and con-
scientiousness. He is not a politician nor a fanatic: not an
agitator nor a socialist; nor has he anything in common with
these classes.

It is his business as a professor of Social Science to study
movements and results of social changes, and to look at them
from both sides. This brings him into public criticism more
than if he worked in other fields, because these are all public
matters. Every professor of social or political science has
had the same experience in greater or less degree. If he be
honest and strong, he will cross some one's opinions or preju-
dices or interests. Dr. Branner, for example, teaches
Geology, which comes in no conflict with politicians; yet it
is not many years ago that he was hanged and burned in effigy
for telling the truth about a fraudulent mine called the ''lost

The only ground for real criticism Dr. Ross has ever given
was four years ago. As a "Sliver [sic Silver] Republican'', he was convinced
what the evils of the gold standard -- evils which Mr. Stanford
clearly recognized and tried to cure in another way -- could

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