Untitled Page 43
August 1, 1897, if it be deemed desirable for the interests of
the University.
April 8, 1897.
The document of earlier date to which Professor Ross re-
fers and with the terms of which he was unwilling to comply
reads as follows: (Original draft in President Jordan's hand-
writing is on file.)
To Dr. E. A. Ross.
It is understood that unless Dr. Ross should choose to
do otherwise, he shall retain the Professorship of Social Sci-
ence for 1897-98 on the present terms, and that in 1898-9 he
shall have the usual sabbatical year on the same terms as other
professors, if such leave of absence be then granted. It is
further understood that in due time he shall file with the
President of the University a letter of resignation, to take
effect August 1, 1899, and that the President shall be free to
accept or decline this resignation without criticism or pre-
judice, as he may think best for the good of the University.
Signed, David S. Jordan.
April 2, 1897.
The official memorandum of April 8th has been shown to
members of the Faculty Council as evidence of Professor Ross's
uncertain status in the University in 1897.
Signed, G. A. Clark,
Secretary to the University.
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