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Oakland July 12./88 [Mr.?] Stanford Respected Sir I wish to refer to a [boy?] of mine whom I wish to attend the Stanford Junior school. Will you please let me know if you will [recognize?] my application and give me some information [concerning?] the matter. My boy is 12 years old and I am a widow and have to make my own living. And you will [confer?] a [?] favor on me by considering my request. Most respectfully yours Mrs. Boardman [322?] 6th Oakland
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I have determined to offer for sale, my Cabinet of Marine, Land and Fresh Water Shells, known as the "Jewett Collection," and desire to call your attention to the fact. The Cabinet was collected in part by my father, Col.E.Jewett; and to it he devoted the last fifteen years of his life. It comprises about 14,000 species and is peculiarly rich in New Zealand, Australia and Tasmanian land Shells, as well as those of the Pacific Islands generally. In the Marine Shells of the Southern coast of the Union and the Gulf of Mexico, it approaches completeness. While Col.Jewett's travels and personal efforts, aided largely in building up the collection, his reputation as a keen collector, brought him in communication with the leading conchologists of the world; and he was thus enabled, by means of judicious exchanges, to bring it to a perfection rarely attainable in private collections. This characteristic of universality in its formation, renders the collection especially valuable as a medium of instruction in the science of Conchology in a College or other institution. Each species is accurately named, the locality noted and authority given. The collection is considered by those acquainted with it and competent of forming an opinion, as one of the very choicest in the country. The Cabinet is, at present, at Lockport, N.Y., For further particulars, please address Mrs. A.A. Boyce, Santa Barbara, California. Santa Barbara, May, 1833
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[It is more?] transportation in Lockpoint N.Y. Dr.[Herley?] Newcomb of Ithaca, N.Y. was a companion of my Father's in scientific collecting and has an intimate knowledge of the Collection, the price set upon it by him was $12,500 but I have since offered it for $10,000. There is a catalogue (manuscript) now in the hands of Dr.E.A.Foote (subject to my order) a dealer in Phil, but who is now in New Orleans and has it with him. Trusting that you may favor
Santa Barbara Feb 1st 1885
Hon Leland Stanford Sir, I have been much interested by what has been published of your noble projects as to founding an Institution of learning in our state and take the liberty - all unknown to you as I am, - of trespassing upon your valuable time by calling your attention to a collection of shells, made by
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my late Father Col E. Hewett, he devoted the last fifteen years of his life to it, making long journeys and carrying on an extensive system of exchanges in foreign countries. It is too large for private use and I have long desired to sell it to some public institution where it could have room and be used for the benefit of those seeking instruction in the natural sciences. I have been solicited to sell it in parts but have always desired it should remain intact and be called the "Jewett Collection" feeling it to be a fitting monument to my dear Father's memory and of his arduous labors in the cause of science. I enclose a circular which will give you some idea of the size and value of the Collection. I am under the impression that my Father was personally known to you, he was a friend of Col George E. Gray, and I would refer you to him. Prof.[O.?]C. Marsh has some knowledge of the Collection as he frequently called upon my Father at our house in Utica N.Y., where it was until 1871.
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me by considering this subject. I am with great respect yours Sarah E. Boyce