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instruction in the geographical boundaries I have indicated, as well as in modern history and in navigation and nautical astronomy. I have also studied the economic questions of the day and have had valuable experience in Library Management.
I submit herewith a list of references who can testify to my aptitudes and acquirements. I can refer to any naval officer on this coast or in Washington with respect to my standing in the service. Hoping that this application may lead to some investigation of my record, & beg leave to place myself at your disposition at such time as may suit your convenience.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, Your obedient Servant,
C. G. Calkins
Navy Pay Office, San Francisco, May 6, 1889.
Honorable Leland Stanford San Francisco
Sir, [shorthand symbols in pencil]
Feeling much interest in the establishment of the Leland Stanford Junior University I venture to call attention to the propriety of including a course of instruction in Commercial and Nautical Geography in the programme of that Institution.
The practical value of such instruction is generally recognized abroad. It is claimed that the industrial and commercial development of Germany has been materially aided by the instruction given in these subjects in Geographical Institutes and other institutions of learning.
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The special claims of such studies for recognition] in a practical and liberal University course to be established on this coast will hardly be contested.
I hope that this suggestion may receive due consideration irrespective of any personal claims of my own. I would, however, beg leave to present myself as an applicant for a position in the teaching faculty of the new University.
I was born in Chic- in 1850; entered the Navy at 17 and am now a Lieutenant. My standing has been good throughout my 22 years of Naval Service and I was graduated with credit at the U. S. Naval Academy in 1871.
I have cruised in most parts of the world and have been on duty in the
Hydrographic Office, the Office of Naval Intelligence, and the Library of the Navy Department, and I have delivered a course of lectures at th Naval War College.
In addition to work in compiling, analyzing and translating information for official publications I have written several papers for the Proceedings of the Naval Institute. In 1883 and again in 1886 I received the prize medal of the Naval Institute for essays submitted in competitions open to all officers of the Navy.
I have had good opportunities for studying foreign countries. I have tried to improve them by close observation and extensive reading and I am credited with an unusual amount of solid information and literary culture by my associates,
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References submitted by
C. G. Calkins, Lieutenant U.S. Navy. in connection with application for position in
Leland Stanford Junior University
Prof. G. Browne Goode, Director National Museum, Washington Commander J. G. Walker, Chief of Bureau of Investigation, Navy Dept Professor Russell Soley, Library, Navy Department Lieut. G. L. Dyer In charge Hydrographic Office Navy Dept Captain R. L. Phythian, Superintendent Naval Observatory Captain A. T. Mahan President Naval War College Commander R. B. Bradford, Bureau of Navigation, Navy Dept. Lieut. R. Wainwright, Secretary Naval Institute, Annapolis,Md.
Captain J. C. Watson, Naval Board of Inspection, [2016?] Buchanan Street San Francisco.
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Elsinore, Calif. August 5th, 1889. Hon. Leland Stanford, San Francisco, Calif. Dear Sir:Will you kindly inform me to whom I should apply for information in regard to Stanford University? I have three sons and a daughter ready for college, but I am unable, for financial reasons, to send more than two of them, and would like to send them to Stanford University. Very Respectfully S.M. [Cambern?]
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Indianapolis, Nov 3rd 1888
Mr. H.C. Nash
Dear Sir,
I wish to ascertain as to houses for rent on the University Farm Palo Alto. In wish to put our son in the University right away. And if we can rent a house reasonably enough. We will ship our household goods.
My son is prepared for Harvard College but he cannot endure the climate. He is now in San Jose.
Please state just where Palo Alto is located. And of your lowest priced homes or suites of rooms [...] an only