Correspondence (incoming) - F-G

Fairchild, James H.; Fargo, F. F.; Fitzsimmons, P.A.; Flournoy, Jno. A.; Francis, Prof.; Galloway, Mason; Gommo, Eliza; Gore & Company: 7/9/1889 on paving the quadrangle; Grant, J. D.; Gregg, V. A.; Gruber, F.; Gunlogsen, Albert H.


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Oberlin College, April 25th, 1887 Louis Ransom, Esqr., My dear sir: On talking over the work which you so generously propose to undertake for the College, we find that we have so many pressing needs to lay before alumni and other friends, that we cannot afford at present to open the way to you to interest them in your undertaking. We must [see?] our way to live and do our absolutely necessary work before we can afford to have their interest diverted to the needs of the college in the direction of Art. I hope you will not interpret this as indicating a want of appreciation of your work and purpose. We are grateful for what you have done for us and we shall hope for the time when we can aid you to realize your larger plans in the same direction; but we do not dare, for ourselves or our friends, to give attention to this at present. Wishing you full prosperity in your chosen work I remain Faithfully your friend, [Las.?]H.Fairchild P.S. We shall be happy to see you here at commencement

Last edit almost 6 years ago by rdobson
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Nov 22, 1885

My dear Sir Herewith [I hand?] you an article that I prepared concerning your [accent?] [munificent?] endowment of [an?] educational institution on the Pacific I am [etc?] Yours Truly F.F. Fargo

Hon Leland Stanford Washington DC

Last edit almost 6 years ago by rdobson
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June 6,1889 [Prin?] Leland Stanford Jr. University Palo Alto, Cal. Dear Sir: Will you kindly send me prospectus of your institution. Respectfully P.[A.?] [Fitzsimmons?]

Last edit almost 6 years ago by rdobson
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May 7, 1889 Mrs. Leland Stanford: Lady:Would you be so kind as to let me know what are the terms, in which one may become a student of your University. Can one get work to do, so as to pay his way through the school. I am reading law here, but would like to take a University Course if I could work my way through the school. By answering you will confer a great favor. Yours Most Respectfully, Jno. A. Flournoy 413 Francis St., St.Joseph, Mo.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by rdobson
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St Astier le 27 Decembre 1885

Monsieur, Je viens de prendre connaissance dans un journal, d'un grand exemple de libéralite que vous venez de donner et dont le bruit s'est répandu déjà bien au delà de l'Atlantique. Il y a quelques temps à peine, vous dotiez l'Etat de Californie d'une Université

Last edit over 5 years ago by hesperus
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 23 in total