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May 15 1892
Dr. D. S. Jordan
Prest. Leland Stanford Jr. University
Menlo Park Cal
Dear Sir
Enclosed please find recommendations of some expenses which have been approved by Senator Stanford.
Yours Very Truly H.C. Nash
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Number 56
Sent by D.S
Recd By V 69 D.H
Check Stamp
Receieved Un May 23 1892
Dated Washington D.C. 23
To President David S Jordan
Your telegram read, I have just sent Mr Lathrrop the following dispatch I do not want the price of board raised to be above the actual cost to the University I am [since?] that five dollars a week ought to furnish good and ample board
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and attendance but of course I intended to rate changed to cover the actual expense of the student
Leland Stanford
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Pres. D.S. Jordan
My Dear Doctor
I have your letter in regard to delay in the construction of buildings at Palo Alto.
It seems to me that before I left San Francisco I gave Mr. Lathrop instruction to proceed immediately with the buildings but possibly I did not. I have however written to him on the subject lately in order that the buildings may be completed in due time.
I notice your appointment of Dr. Smith an assistant Professor of Mineralogy also that of Professor Geo Prince as Assistant in
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Zoology. Of course I know that you would not appoint these men unless there was work for them to do but it seems to me that upwards of 60 professors and assistants is a large number in proportion to the students. I think we ought to be careful not to have anyone in the Institution to whom we cannot give a fair amount of work to perform.
Yours Very Truly
Leland Stanford