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[preprinted] SENATE CHAMBER WASHINGTON [/preprinted]
June 8th 86
Hon Leland Stanford
My dear Senator.
I am in receipt of your esteemed favor, advising me of the proposed reception to be given to the visiting members of the G. [O?A?]. R. by the citizens of Sacramento, I have arranged to go to [S?]. F. with Governor Alger and family and we will make the trip together. I certainly would be pleased to accept the very cordial invitation of the citizens of Sacramento, extrended through you, and
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if the Governor may be included in the invitation I would be pleased.
Thanking you, sincerely, for your kindness.
I remain Very Truly Your Friend.
John A Logan
[ink stamp: 19124]
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Hon. Leland Stanford -
The committee to take charge of and make arrangements for the funeral of Senator Logan will meet in the room of the Senate Committee of Appropriations
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to-morrow morning Dec. 29 inst. at ten o'clock.
[Mr?] Cullom
Dec. 28 / 86.
[ink stamp: 19118]
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Funeral Ceremonies OF THE LATE Senator John A. Logan, December 31, 1886. ADMIT BEARER TO THE GALLERY.
SHELBY M. CULLOM, Chairman Committee of Arrangements.
[ink stamp: FROM W. P. CANADAY]