Mark Hopkins

looking about for money; coupons payable in London 1867 May 17; about paving K Street 1867 May 18; Brumagim note - McLaughlin - Dorsey 1867 May 28; Cole adverse to Conness, People's Party 1867 May 30; ability to build W. P. without state aid 1867 June 18; as to O'Leary and the B-; did not speak at Stewart's reception 1867 Jun 20; paid notes for Sac. Valley R.R. purchase; Richardson wants to go to W. F. & Co. 1867 Aug 10


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Office Central Pacific Railroad, Corner Front and California Streets.

San Francisco, May 18th, 1867

Mark Hopkins Esq

Your letter of yesterday rec'd. Appreciating the fact that it must necessarily be some time before we can draw more Govt aid I have been looking around here for money and find the market rather favorable, still I have got nothing certain unless it is $90000 which I had partly got the promise of before my last visit to Sacramento, this sum I shall probably get inside of ten days.

I called to day and had some talk with Mills about making coupons payable in London. He thinks if we intend to negotiate our bonds there it is advisable. Would it not be well to provide for payment in London at an agency on all coupons where notice was given at the agency 30 days before coming due

Such a clause would have a tendency to prevent coupons going from NY to London for payment

Last edit over 1 year ago by MaryV
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about Surveys and Shops whatever the rest of you conclude will be satisfactory to me.

You understand it best and will no doubt meet the necessities of the case, and that above must be the wisest policy now -

Please tell the Judge that Mr L. says for him to keep the papers until he comes down. I regret to hear of the accident to Mrs Charles Crocker Also to learn that the Judge is not very well.

George Aldrich is down here He tells me that there is a wide spread prejudice among the Chinamen against Sissons. This he did not wish me to mention, but I have taken the liberty to mention it to you -

Do not let him ever hear of it.

From what Chinamen have said to me I am inclined to think he states a fact.

Yours truly,

Leland Stanford

From Leland Stanford - May 17/67 As to finances etc. As to making coupons payable in Europe.

Last edit 11 months ago by MaryV
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San Francisco May 18th 1867

Mark Hopkins Esq

Have just had a talk with Cadue in which he says Skinker put in a bid for cobbling two blocks on [M St.?] 1/2 cent lower than his Cadue's big and has job this work, now he proposes to Cadue to do the work and take 2/3 of the profits and he Skinker have the other 1/3. I think we ought not to help Skinker but fix it so far as we can in favor of Cadue.

Yours truly Leland Stanford

Last edit over 4 years ago by martinar317
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From Leland Stanford May 18, 1867, Cadue [?] should do the cobbling of our streets

Last edit over 4 years ago by martinar317
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Office Central Pacific Railroad, Corner Front and California Streets.

San Francisco, May 28th, 1867

Mark Hopkins Esq

Your letter of yesterday and dispatch of the day before recd. McLaughlin says the note against Brummagian and the whole claim against Wilson is very different from what he supposed when he took it and that Park must take the papers back. I remember Park once wanted to let me have the note. I called upon Brummagian in relation to it and he advised me not to touch it, that he was only to pay it upon a contingency which I suppose was the failure of the security, [how?] some of these bonds that [Mc?] has and the 15/100 interest in the rolling stock of Wilson was the security.

Brummagian will very likely claim that the 15/100 interest has been lost through Parks negligence. But I have telegraphed for the Judge to come

Last edit over 4 years ago by martinar317
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