Mark Hopkins

would extend raod to Goat Island; wants iron hauled from Cisco 1867 Feb 5; has bought engine for drilling machine in Summit Tunnel 1867 April 1; has letter of endorsement from Latham; Latham wants to go to Donner Lake 1867 April 5; wants to know amount of judgment against C.L. Wilson; Wilson trying to combine with Oregon road 1867 April 6; wants M.H. to come down to sign contract to purchase Western Pacific 1867 April 8; will you be down tonight? (telegram) 1867 April 9; Judge goes up tonight (telegram) 1867 April 9; sends check for $125,000; borrowned $60,00 from Davidson 1867 April 10; urges purchase of Western Pacific 1867 April 12; as to drilling machines, Latham's trip, etc. 1867 April 16; advantages of buying Western Pacific 1867 April 19; will send 26,000; McLaughlin has been in 1867 April 29:


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[preprinted] Office Central Pacific Railroad,

Corner Front and California Streets.

San Francisco, [/preprinted] Feb 5th 1867

Friend Mark

I rec'd a letter this morning from the Judge stating that he and Montague were intending to start [--fro--] for Benicia to determine what surveying is necessary to locate the most direct line to Goat Island. Now my idea is that we should at once extend our line to Goat Island and announce the fact, but it is useless to talk of a rout by the way of Benicia, First because the ground is already occupied, 2nd because to cross the Straits [insert] by bridge [/insert] is so costly as to render it substantially impracticable besides if the Straits were not crossed by a bridge a steamboat starting from here would reach Benicia as quick if not quicker that you could go by rail and two ferries. The Judge says Charly [sais?]

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wait until we reach the summit before we haul Iron over to the Truckee.

I thought the matter was settled that the Iron was to be hauled from Cisco. Unless Huntington is successful in his negotiations, it is imperative that we must do that which will soonest give us money.

Yours truly

Leland Stanford

[bottom left margin]

From Leland Stanford

Feb. 5. 1867.

Locate road to Goat Island immediately. Impracticable to go by Benicia. Haul Iron over the summit this winter to lay 30 miles on Truckee by July. [/bottom left margin]

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[notation, top right] 13 [/notation, top right]

[preprinted] Office Central Pacific Railroad,

Corner Front and California Streets.

San Francisco, [/preprinted] April 1st 1867

Friend Hopkins

Your letter of 29th ult. [covering?] one from Huntington [rcd?], also [rcd?] to day from Crocker a letter from the man who went up to attend the drilling machines. He says Strobridge says that the present engine cannot be stopped to make the necessary connections for steam, Mr. [More?] says it will not take over two hours at the most. [Now?] if they get out rock so fast that to pile up [--what--] at the shaft [insert] what [/insert] they would raise in two hours could not be got out of the way, why then it would seem that the drilling machines would be of little benefit, because [--if the rock is--]

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[---got out so fast, [there?] must be now--] it would seem that already our progress had reached a point at which it was equal [& the?] capacity to raise, but I have bought an engine and will have [insert] sent up [/insert] what is necessary to connect it with present boiler.

Yours truly

Leland Stanford

[bottom left margin] [second hand] From Leland Stanford April 1. 1867

bought engine to drive drilling machine [/second hand] [third hand]

Letters from L. Stanford '67 - '68 - 69 '70 [/third hand] [/bottom left margin]

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[notation: 15] [embossed seal] CONGRESS [CAREW. CO.?] [/embossed] [preprinted] Office Central Pacific Railroad, Corner and Front Streets. San Francisco, [/preprinted] April 5th 1867

Friend Hopkins

Have got a bully letter from Latham to Morgan, next wednesday Mr Latham with a party of ladies and gentlemen [insert] (8) eight in all [/insert] will leave here to go up to take a trip over the Road and go to Donner Lake. They will want to go up to the Lake on Thursday and return to Crystal Lake the same night so as to return to San Francisco Friday night. I have told him we would have horses & sleighs [insert] ready [/insert] and notify Hotel Keepers so that they would be well cared for. He fully appreciates the importance to his Bank should the arrangement in London be made by Mr Morgan. You will I am sure see that every thing is all right for the [ride?].

Yours truly Leland Stanford

Last edit over 2 years ago by MaryV
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