Untitled Page 2
Introduction Letter to Senator L. Stanford, from H. I. Thornton, Esq., December
1st., 1885.
San Francisco, December 1st., 1885.
Hon. Leland Stanford,
U.S. Senate.
Dear Sir:-
I have known for several years past in this city Dr. Max Axelrood. He
has been engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery while here. He is a
gentleman of good character and of cultivated talents, and has been entertained
at the homes of respectable people and associates with them as their equals.
He is a Russian by birth and is thirty-six years of age. He speaks
and writes the German, French, Polish and English languages as well as his own.
He was educated at the Universities of Heidelberg in Germany, and at the Military
Medical Academy in St. Petersburg, Russia. He served as surgeon in the Prussian
army in the Franco-Prussian war and in the Russian army in the Russian-Turkish
He is a gentleman of industry and prudent habits and of active intellect,
and is well versed in current history and affairs. As a student and a resident
of this state, he has taken a deep interest in your magnificent gift to the
people and coming generation, and is anxious to be employed by you as one of the commissioners to examine and report upon the institutions of learning in the old
world to the end that the most useful elements in them tried and established systems
may be fairly submitted to your judgment.
I think that he would be valuable for you in that capacity and I would
commend him to your consideration.
I remain,
Yours Most Truly,
Harry I. Thornton.
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