




February 7, 1946

Dear Mother and Daddy,

Well the crucial night came last Monday - Bob came down to see me. He had gotten my last letter and also the pin which I had sent to him. He took me out to dinner and then we talked the whole situation over and got it settled as well as it can be. BUt I'm not going to have his pin or date him every Saturday night like I used to. Anyway he didn't ask me for any future dates, but only said that he would call again soon. It will probably be that way for quite some time. I'm sure everything will work out well. I'm very glad he came down and I think he was too.

Last edit about 6 years ago by rdobson


After Christmas my bill with Mrs. Belenky got rather confused, but the last time I went, we discussed it all and got it straightened out. The point is I don't have enough money to pay her. I have about twenty-five dollars left in the bank which I'm quite sure will be enough for my laundry and other expenses, but I won't have enough money to pay her. I would appreciate it if you would put some money in my bank account to pay her with.

My grades on my tests came out just the opposite from what I had expected. I got my best grade in my political science test and that wasn't very good. It was just a B-. That the test was very hard was shown that my grade was 61 and that was a B-. 70 was an A. In political

Last edit about 6 years ago by rdobson


Science that would have been a low C. I got high C's on both by psychology and German tests.

On Tuesday night I went out for about an hour and a half with a boy named Frank Maher. He was a graduate student here in 1942 and that was four years ago; so you can imagine how old he is [eek?]. I don't think he will be asking me out, anyway I hope that he doesn't. Last night I was very lucky in getting to go see "Harvey". It's a play with Joe E. Brown and was very good. I went with Jane and a gril named Virginia Walker who is a [alpha phi?]. We had had dinner at the [alpha phi?] house before - for once I had a nice dinner. Sally was going to

Last edit about 6 years ago by rdobson


but she and Willie had broken up the Sunday before and they were just making their peace - so she thought she had better stay home with him. It seems that everyone is having trouble with their men. John Fulton called on Tuesday and wanted to see me Tuesday night, but I couldn't, so he came over last night just as we were going to the play. He brought me the music to his favorite song. He seems to think I'm going to learn to play it for him. He just happened to pop in one day when I was practicing. He made me play for him and I just about died.

I guess that that is all the news. I'd better do some studying. I don't have any tests right away, but I'm sure I will.

Love, Mary

Last edit about 6 years ago by rdobson
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