




March 21, 1946

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I've just finished taking my Political Science test and I'm really just about as discouraged as I could be. I studied all weekend, Tuesday and yesterday for it and I don't even feel as though I made an impression on the test. There were two essay questions one had to do with the [Work?] Labor Board, and the other with the OPA. Both of those were in about seven pages out of the three-hundred that we were supposed to know, and was discussed in only one lecture. It doesn't seem fair to erase a grade on such a limited part of the quarter's work. I'm sure that I couldn't have done very well on it because I had to remember so many other things to know about those two things. There was also a large part of

Last edit about 6 years ago by rdobson


the objective part that had to do with the financial record, and to know it I would have had to memorize a list of governmantal expenditures for every year since 1913. It was absolutely impossible. The German test was awfully hard too. It rather disturbs me because I could have gotten Bs in both courses and I really studied for my finals. I still have a psychology test tomorrow. Maybe it will save me, but I doubt it.

I didn't mean for you to go to so much trouble for the dinner on Monday. One of the main reasons I wanted it on Monday was so that I could get someone to take Ruth away for the day; so I could stay home and do it - that is just all the things that don't need any skill. Kay has asked Ruth and me,

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according to my instructions, to do something on Monday. Then I'm going to call her on Sunday and tell her I'd better go shopping with my mother since that would probably be the only day that I would have a chance to. Then Ruth would go with Kay and I could stay at home and keep. It will be really better on Monday since it will be much more of a surprise and all the girls will be able to come. Ruth and I are certainly looking forward to coming home.

We finally got Sally in the D.G. house. Now all we have to worry about is Jane, and we think that she will be able to move in the first of next quarter.

I had better go and start

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studying for my psychology. At least I don't want to be able to say that I didn't try.

Love to all, Mary

Last edit about 6 years ago by rdobson
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