




May 8, 1946

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I've just come back from a music lesson, and for once I really had quite a good one. I had to play a piece for memory and thought I would never get through it, but I did twice. When I left she seemed more pleased with me than she has in a long time. Over the week-end I saw a movie, "The Seventh Vail," which inspired me to study very hard in my music. That movie was the best one I've seen in a very long time. I would certainly try and see it if you are able because it's more worth seeing than any movie I've seen in a long time. It's any English movie, but has been playing at all

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


of the theaters. It's about a girl who was a concert pianist and became a psychological case. The music is by the London symphony orchestra and is just beautiful.

I finally got back my English test and I got a B on it. I've gotten a B on every test I've taken this quarter. I had another little German test today, but I don't think I did too badly on it. I havn't had any in public law, and I'm just holding my breath until I do, I'll certainly be gone then.

As usual I had a very nice week-end. Bob came down in the afternoon and we went to a swimming meet between Stanford and Cal. We won 55-19, 19 is most points that any school has yet gotten off our swimming

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team. Our swimming team is supposed to be unbeatable by any college in the country except one, so I guess we have one good team. After that went to the baseball game between Stanford and U.C.L.A. U.C.L.A. won 9 to 6, but we won the baseball game with them before. I went out to dinner with Bob and then came back and got ready to go to a dance the Nu Sigs, the other medical fraternity were given. It wasn't a very good dance, but I did have a nice time except that I got awfully sleeply and though I'd never get to bed. The next day we went on a little picnick with Kay and Bill and another

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couple, Janet [Issmun] and Chris [Hwang]. We had a lovely time; it was an absolutely beautiful day and there are millions of wild flowers out. I had to come back early though, because we had a supper at the house and I had to help fix for it, it was really fun getting ready for it. It was a delicious supper, Bob said it was a perfect meal for him and I guess it was there wasn't any vegetable, just fruit salad and potatoes, and cold turkey and rolls, and ice cream and cake - When I think of it now my mouth waters. All the girls asked someone and we all had a lovely time playing around afterwards.

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae


I'm afraid that John Fulton has changed his mind. He came over on Monday night and asked me if I'd have dinner with him on Tues day. I asked him if he thought he ought to ask me and he said no, but that he wanted to anyway. So I said that I would. So we went out to dinner last night and had a very nice time. One time during some conversation, Sally or Ruth told him that I grind my teeth in my sleep, so last night he brought me a little rubber cap for my teeth, one of things prize fighters wear when they fight. You should see it on me, it looks just horrible. I might wear it with the hope I'd quit except

Last edit about 6 years ago by adrianae
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