




January 15, 1947

Dear Mother and Daddy,

Well I came home from a perfectly marvelous week-end to find that I had gotten a B+ on my history test, so I was rather pleased with myself. I felt I would do all right on the test because I had studied so thoroughly for it, but to tell the truth, I expected merely a C and not a B+. I spent yesterday and today practicing and reading law cases. This morning I spent about two hours in the Law Library looking up cases. All the law students were in there studying too, and I felt so important to be in there reading cases too.

She started on our little ski trip about one-thirty in the afternoon and arrived at Yosemite

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



about seven, which meant we got up there when it was still light. She ate quickly and got our rooms, and then went ice skating. It is so much fun to ice skate up there; they have the Camp Curry Parking Lot frozen over. The ice was just a little rough, but all that meant was that we fell down a few more times than usual. They also play Vieaniese Waltzes the whole time. At nine o'clock they stop everything and have the fire-fall and play the Indian love-call. It is very beautiful. She went to bed about eleven o'clock and got up really early the next morning in order to get up skiing early. She wanted to get up in time to take a lesson before lunch, but we didn't quite make it as the lessons began at ten and I

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



had so much trouble getting my skis out. I finally got a pair together, the skis of which were for a person five feet seven, and the poles for a person five feet. However, I got along quite well with them. But I have decided that the next time I go, I'm going to rent my skis in Palo Alto, so I won't have to waste my time up there.

The snow was wonderful for skiing, not too soft nor too icy. It was awfully hot weather, and I came home with a very sunburned face, but I don't mind that because then everyone would ask me where I had gotten it, and then I could say skiing!

Saturday afternoon I took a ski lesson in stem-turn. I feet terrible at first and

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I'm sure I was the worst one in the class. I could turn fairly well to the right, but not at all to the left. After I had been in the class about an hour, the head of the ski-school came around to see if any one should be promoted. Just as luck would have it, he made us to stem turns to the right, and I made a fairly decent one, the only decent one I had done the entire afternoon. I then got put in a special class with four other girls, which was very good, because then I had to practice more than if I had been in a Carger class, but it was so hot, and I'm sure I had to climb up the hill at least a hundred times. It's been a long time since I have gotten so completely worn-out.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17



I practiced just a little after, and I'm sure the lesson did some good, but I still can't do a left turn very well. That I will just have to learn because unfortunately, you wouldn't get any where just doing right turns all the time.

Saturday night I had a date with Jack, but we couldn't stay out very late since every thing was completely closed by twelve o'clock. We went to Awahanee Motel where they were having a dance. The dance didn't start until nine, so we sat in the covery until then carring on a very delightful conversation. An old-maid school-teachr sat herself down on the other side of the couch that we were sitting on and just gobled up every word we

Last edit almost 6 years ago by terriertle17
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