

Status: Page Status Transcribed

[notebook page] 27

1454 1/15/68 Ted Panofsky
[printout taped to page]
CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000051551 OPND = 400077777777
PC = 350000040152 INSTR = 602000400000
DATE = 000641076756 TIME = 1541:53
[handwritten note] Core 1
[end of printout

1545 1/15/68
Ran tests to find prob. with line printer. Found
that if format tape was replaced, bug went away.
Concluded that lamps are getting dim so small hole
mis-alignments cause errors. Printer now works
fine but will have to have lamps replaced soon.
Ted Panofsky

1546 1/15/68 Ted Panofsky
[printout taped to page]
CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000051522 OPND = 000014673567 PC=350000037431 INSTR = 200553020257
DATE = 000641076761 TIME = 1544:44
[handwritten note]Core 2
[end of printout]

Jan 15, 1968 15:50
The other day (Sat. I believe) observed
that moving DTA6 manually coincided
with transmission error on DTA0.
I suspect it happened again on DTA3 today.
This and 2 above in [K. Pingle's?] prog. which was using TV.
[unreadable signature]

[printout taped to page]
CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000051522 OPND = 000057777777
PC =350000040152 INSTR = 602000400000
DATE = 000641076773 TIME = 1554:19
[handwritten note]Core 2
[end of printout

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