0940 1/16/67
Found system in non-interleaved mode
will arpex Cove operating. Tried to Run TV
with no success. Shutdown Aroex memory,
Switched to interleaved and reloaded system.
System started Reading out Wallpaper of parity
errors probably caused by load TV data.
Stopped System and deposited 00000
in all memory cells. Reloaded system.
All works fine.
Fed Po[Dr?]f[Dr?]
1/16/68 10:47CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000161135 OPND = 000035673
PC= 350000137633 INSTR = 602000400000
DATE = 000641102262 TIME = 1045:16 Core 1
10:48 CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000161115 OPND = 723777777777
PC = 350000137633 INSTR = 602000400000
DATE = 000641102262 TIME = 1045:47 Core 1
1049 CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000161126 OPND = 400077777377
PC = 350000137633 INSTR = 602000400000 Core 2
DATE = 000641102263 TIME = 1046:24
[Dr?] Pao[Dr?]
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