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[notebook page] 27

1454 1/15/68 Ted Panofsky [printout taped to page] CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000051551 OPND = 400077777777 PC = 350000040152 INSTR = 602000400000 DATE = 000641076756 TIME = 1541:53 [handwritten note] Core 1 [end of printout

1545 1/15/68 Ran tests to find prob. with line printer. Found that if format tape was replaced, bug went away. Concluded that lamps are getting dim so small hole mis-alignments cause errors. Printer now works fine but will have to have lamps replaced soon. Ted Panofsky

1546 1/15/68 Ted Panofsky [printout taped to page] CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000051522 OPND = 000014673567 PC=350000037431 INSTR = 200553020257 DATE = 000641076761 TIME = 1544:44 [handwritten note]Core 2 [end of printout]

Jan 15, 1968 15:50 The other day (Sat. I believe) observed that moving DTA6 manually coincided with transmission error on DTA0. I suspect it happened again on DTA3 today. This and 2 above in [K. Pingle's?] prog. which was using TV. [unreadable signature]

[printout taped to page] CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000051522 OPND = 000057777777 PC =350000040152 INSTR = 602000400000 DATE = 000641076773 TIME = 1554:19 [handwritten note]Core 2 [end of printout

Last edit over 4 years ago by Soazdrmm
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28 0940 1/16/67 Found system in non-interleaved mode will arpex Cove operating. Tried to Run TV with no success. Shutdown Aroex memory, Switched to interleaved and reloaded system. System started Reading out Wallpaper of parity errors probably caused by load TV data. Stopped System and deposited 00000 in all memory cells. Reloaded system. All works fine. Fed Po[Dr?]f[Dr?] 1/16/68 10:47CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000161135 OPND = 000035673 PC= 350000137633 INSTR = 602000400000 DATE = 000641102262 TIME = 1045:16 Core 1

10:48 CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000161115 OPND = 723777777777 PC = 350000137633 INSTR = 602000400000 DATE = 000641102262 TIME = 1045:47 Core 1

1049 CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000161126 OPND = 400077777377 PC = 350000137633 INSTR = 602000400000 Core 2 DATE = 000641102263 TIME = 1046:24 [Dr?] Pao[Dr?]

Last edit over 4 years ago by graceVHHS
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1400 16 Jan 68

At about 1145 started temperature cycling under floor air cond. to test Disk sensitivity to temp changes. Results are occasional parity errors that seem to kill the system. Ran BLT for about 10 min at 1230 and found no errors Subsequently the system has died twice with random fatal parity errors. Reloaded system and set STOP on parity. Got parity error at 7075 cents = 100 System died

See below

LRR 1400 16 Jan 68 Completed P.M. all TTYs Jesse Gonzales

CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000007075 OPND = 000000000100 DATE = 000641102572 TIME = 1346:36 16 Jan 68 Core 2

CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000010075 OPND = 400000000002 PC = 740000007075 INSTR = 000000000100 Core 2 DATE = 000641102573 TIME = 1346:51

Under floor air was about 60 degree at time. Perhaps thermal gradients? LRR

The left drive on DTA1 is much too tight. J Gleeson

Last edit about 4 years ago by Jannyp
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2030 16 Jan 68

Phil McKay of [?] installed new MR card. Started using [?] core. found split cycle non-ex men. [Jumppered?] [Dr6tF?] to ground in 167 to froce spit cycle splitting. (MC DR SPLIT). Put up 2.8 with interleaved mem. typed


it ran. (after 1 random party error) WHAT POWER! LRR

0630 17 JAN 68

Removed jumper (see above) to but split cycles happen again. There are no errors. D.M.P

18 JAN 68


CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION INDETERMINATE PC = 750000216473 INSTR = 321000010553 DATE = 000641106724 TIME = 1515:52

17 Jan 68 MHH

Last edit over 4 years ago by ARKamali
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[notebook page] 31

[Printout taped to page] CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000051131 OPND = 000057777777 PC = 350000027633 INSTR = 602000400000 DATE = 000641107134 TIME = 1724:01 17 Jan 68 [Handwritten notes] Core 1 17 Jan 68 [End of printout]

1/12/68 - 2000 TTY0 HACKING BADLY RAS

[Printout taped to page] CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION INDETERMINATE PC = 340000015265 INSTR = 200046000011 DATE = 000641107542 TIME = 2130:03

[Handwritten note] 17 JAN 68

CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000137673 OPND = 400021117714 PC = 740000010123 INSTR = 306645000000 [handwritten] Core 3 DATE = 000641107553 TIME = 2139:35 [End of printout]

2150 17 Jan 68

TTY0 seems to be sending null characters for free especially when cold


Last edit over 4 years ago by Soazdrmm
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