




[Notebook page 32]

1145 Jan. 18 Ran High Speed Checkboard to try to find marginal mechanical problems in CORE 2. Found several balun boards which failed when tapped with a screwdriver. Fix was to erase the contacts on the balun boards. Also found a bad 1998 in 2J6 which had to be replaced. J. Gleason

18 Jan 1:00 (1) TTY6 (next to am) not sending line feeds part of time. (2) Low order couple bits of spacewar buttons not being seen sometimes by calli 33. Pringle

[printout taped to page] CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000212603 OPND=776477457774 PC=350000145377 INSTR=202015007653 DATE=000641112474 TIME=1255:12 [hand written] Core3 MHM [end of printout]

Jan 18 [printout taped to page] CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000276077 OPND=417131473146 PC=350000247601 INSTR=263740000000 DATE=000641112535 TIME=1325:12 [hand written] Core3 MHM [end of printout]

Last edit over 4 years ago by Soazdrmm


[Notebook page 33]

1830 18 Jan 68 Disk error 211-0-1 DR Bits 4,5,7,9,12,13,14 211-0-1 3,4,5,6 11,12,14,16 " 4,5,7,9 12,13,14

then ran for 4 cycles with no errors SRR

1955 18 Jan 68 Disk error 217-2-173 1,4,5,6,7,11,12,13,15,17 SRR

2125 18 Jan 68 Disk error 211-0-1 4,5,7,9,12,13,14 SRR

0040 19 Jan 68 Loaded Disk at 2200 found bit 12 to disk failing 167 v21 LCC (LCC) card was erased. bit 12 came back. Explored current manifestation of 533 bug. Its still there. Currents + Voltages for Read and Write in core 3 seem proper for 533 and other addresses.

Put disk in read only selftest. Is still running after 5 cycles SRR

Last edit over 4 years ago by Soazdrmm


[Lab page 34]

0700 19-JAN-67

When phoning in from remote chars can be sent out to the TTY phoning in but are not received by the 630 from the TTY. The trouble seems to be in the TTY4 connection in the 630. John Sauter

12:50 19-JAN-67

TTY7 garbages [this?] on output NSW[?]

12:50 19 Jan 67

TTY1 prints the spaces between characters, sometimes. Well, maybe a better way of putting it is that it prints characters off center. TTY 7 does this also [D?]

Last edit over 4 years ago by Soazdrmm


[Notebook page] 35

[printout taped to page] CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000051116 OPND = 623377777777 PC = 350000027043 INSTR = 200102007740 DATE = 000641116611 TIME = 1404:36 [Notes written on printout] 19 JAN 68 CORE 2

1415 19 JAN 68 Parity error since 7 Jan 68 [Information formated in colums] Core 0 - 0 [Core] 1 - 7 [Core] 2 - 9 [Core] 3 - 4 [Note referring to Core parity errors] 20 error in 12 days. 1.6 parity errors/day

Merory [Memory?] buss between Core 0 & Core 1 seems implicated. SRR

P.S. Except that there have been very few parity errors from Ampes core. SRR

[printout taped to page] CORE PARITY ERROR, LOCATION 000000300503 OPND = 777777573526 PC = 750000300420 INSTR = 250140030502 DATE

1820 1/19/68

Looked at TTY4 problem described on page 34: Found that TTY2 garbled characters when plugged in to Line Patch 04 in the 630. This again implies that that the trouble is in the 630. Tried to determined whether the transmitter or receiver was bad by having TTY2 talk to TTY0 thru Line 04. Transmits + receives without

Last edit over 4 years ago by Soazdrmm


[notebook page 36] errors. Asked TTY 2 to echo thru Line 04 again. This time no failures occurred.

J. Gleason

0730 1/19/68

TTY 4 types "B" instead of "C" sometimes. Also it gave ~ 6 consecutive line feeds for no reason.

J. Gleason

2130 19 Jan 68

630 Line patch #0 converts CR into?.


It appears that the system hears a character typed on d[o?]P 0 when it is typing out on LP0.


2200 19 Jan 68

TTY 6 Broken Gear and line feed linkage slightly out of adjustment TTY 7 tested ok TTY Tested ok TTY 0 see not[e?] above per Steve Russell. TTY 4 tested ok

Jess Gonzales

0100 20 Jan 68

AMPEX core worked on[.] DP still doesn't work quite.


Last edit over 4 years ago by Soazdrmm
Displaying pages 36 - 40 of 186 in total