[notebook page 37] 0325 20-JAN-68
Found that the "write error" lamp had been removed from Unit B of the librascope disk electronics. No error indications from BLTST or the disk. I am putting up the disk system and putting the disk on-line.
J. Sauter
0350 20-JAN-68
Got disk system up (after trouble with dectapes). Disaster! On what was apparently the first select we got the following results: IOP says PAR ODD, PAR ERR, CHC=3, INIT, I/O, PIA=6. CP is halted in chan 6 because of the parity error. So far so good. Disk says ON LINE, UNIT A operative, UNIT A, WRITE, All control switches to center position except indicators.
[notebook page 38]
on, SAR and TRACK Register are counting as though the unit were off line and in band repeat, Band = 1610. WCMA of the IOP = (777600)035671. BR = (654600)0. SR = (0)1. The original DATAO given to the IOP was (777600)35667. This location contained (and still contains) (21)21. location 35670 contains (654644)0. 35671 contains (45600)0. None of these locations have parity errors (according to the 169). Pushing I/O reset stopped the Disk. Further attempts seem to show that the IOP is incapable of reading from core without getting a parity error. I was not able to reproduce the above effect, however. In further experimenting it happened again. Doing a CONO 10,0 does not stop the disk, but doing a DATAO 10, [0] does.
However the DATAO must be preceeded by a CONO 0.
The following program will get the Disk into the above state:
CONO 10, 100 DATAO 10, [XWD 777600, 35667] DATAO 444, [200000] HALT
The HALT is necesssary. The addresses are arbitrary (all ZEROS works also).
Tried running the program in the AC's so that the data in the CMB's would be meaningful. Got the following result with ZEROS as addresses. Disk running wildly as before, BAND = 0. IOP: WCMA = (0)2, PAR ERR, CHC = 3, I/O.
BR = (251100)3. SR = (775737)671567. Core 0 MB = (775737)775777. This is probably garbage stored by the DP.
Core 1 MB = (251140) 27.
Tried again with -1 in location 0. Same results except this time core 0 MB = -1 and the SR is missing bits 12, 20, 21, 24, 28, 31 and 32. From box 1 it only misses bit 20. Box 2 likewise. From Box 3 misses bits 2, 10, 12, and the whole right half. Some of the above may be due to a bad " start" switch. When I ran the program with DDT only bit 20 is dropped from core 3.
John Sauter 0500
[notebook page 41]
[Entry Crossed Out] 0430 20-JAN-67 Kluge 136 is sick. "Hung device AD" and no show on scope J Sauter [Note at bottom of crossed-out entry] software!
17:45 20-JAN-67 Ampex GDP still no work. Petal gets NON-EX MEM and/or NO ADRS ACK
[Note at bottom of page]