




Mon. June 1956

Dear Mother, Yesterday I was over at Mission San Jose for the dedication of the new chapel and infirmary. I spent most of the afternoon with Virginia Mary. She told me to send you her love, and to tell you that the sweater is perfect. In tow weeks and so many days, she gets the white [habit?] with which she can wear it. That's part of what she wanted me to tell you. On June 19th she gets the white habit. It's a very special day, the reception into the order. This is the first year that it has ever been open to outsiders, owing to the new chapel which is larger than the old. She only is allowed a limited number of invitations, and is sending you one which is for you and I. She wants very much for you to come. This is second only to final vows in importance, and that's 8 years away. She has always looked on you as the closest thing to a mother, in a lot of ways, that she has. I could tell just how much your being there will mean to her, so please come. Why not let Daddy and Kevin drive down after his graduation and we can stay at Betty and Edward's until the 19th. The ceremony is on the 19th, begins at 9:30 in the morning and lasts most of the day with a big luncheon, etc. It should be very nice, and they have a very beautiful and comfortable new building. We could fly out about 8:00 that night. There are lots of things we could do and see up in the city and on the peninsula in between when I get out and the 19th. The beach should be fine up here, and you

Last edit over 6 years ago by rdobson


could probably stand the next anyway. Be sure and bring the invitation. I think you have to bring it to get in.

By the way, I got a ticket for going through a stop sign in Milpitas the other day. Since my license still has the Beverly Hills address on it, they may send something there. I doubt it though since I'm going down to San Jose to pay it in a couple of days. I thought I'd better tell you though, so you won't panic. I had Jane's car.

Tues: This is the ghastly week. I have two huge papers to write this week or never, and that whole stat. course to figure out and the problems to do. I am on a very simple schedule. Eat, sleep, and at all other times study, except for classes, chorus and a multitude of trivialities that have [arisen?] to [louse?] things up. Fortunately in one respect, baby-sitting is at a lull. Rev. Oscar Greene is my sole means of support. I may not even be able to listen to the [nace?] on Wed.

One glimmer of joy! It sure is neat not to pre-reg. for next fall and not to make the usual housing arrangements.

For this summer, I could take 4 of my 8 units as an elective, if I want, since my major requirements in sociology will be completed with the other course I'll be taking. I've been thinking of taking an art course, elementary design if the hour is convenient.

When will you be up? I'll be under naps until the 14th at the latest. Love, Marci

Last edit over 6 years ago by rdobson
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