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My dear Uncle I am pleased to meet you here this morning I have long desired to come to you in this manner that [would?] remove the doubts. [?ee] often crops up in your mind absolute truth of spirit [ ? ] you know how bitterly father and mother felt my loss and how often they hoped that spiritualism was really true so that they could be [assured?] I was happy Well [ ? ] they emained in doubt a long time until at last I was able to manifest to father one night and prove to him and mother that I still lived. Now uncle I want to completely satisfy your [ ? ] because I know it will make your stay on earth happy and cause you to look forward to a brighter future I find dear uncle that the best way to satisfy you and make your somewhat lonely life happy will be to develope within you the powers that I know you possess, so that you can come into communion with the loved ones who you held dear and who goone before you Now is your time [ ? ] to develope your mental [powers ?]. Mr [?] this mediums control will [ ? ] the necessary and because he knows his medium likes you and this sympathy extends to the mediums (Mrs Evans) Guides and David so that if [?} please the medium you will please his powerful controls and they will devote themselves to your developement. I want your